Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dead is Dead

DEAD (from dictionary.com)

* no longer living; deprived of life: dead people; dead flowers; dead animals.
* brain-dead.
* not endowed with life; inanimate: dead stones.
* resembling death; deathlike: a dead sleep; a dead faint.
* bereft of sensation; numb: He was half dead with fright. My leg feels dead.
* lacking sensitivity of feeling; insensitive: dead to the needs of others.
* incapable of being emotionally moved; unresponsive: dead to the nuances of the music.
* utterly tired; exhausted: They felt dead from the six-hour trip.
* (of a language) no longer in use as a sole means of oral communication among a people: Latin is a dead language.
* without vitality, spirit, enthusiasm, or the like: a dead party.
* infertile; barren: dead land.

* the period of greatest darkness, coldness, etc.: the dead of night; the dead of winter.
* the dead, dead persons collectively: Prayers were recited for the dead.

* absolutely; completely: dead right; dead tired.
* with sudden and total stoppage of motion, action, or the like: He stopped dead.
* directly; exactly; straight: The island lay dead ahead.


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Hammer said...

I don't know if Tazan is grouchy...but funny...YES.

Rita said...

I'm with Tarzan. I don't mind sharing my mangos, but I would like to be able to KEEP some of them!

PJSander said...

I love Tarzan.

Tarzan make me smile.

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...
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PJSander said...

I know you didn't mean anything by it, JiG, but since it is inching towards politics, I will state for the record that it is really important to me to keep this a politics-free zone.

I hope all will agree.

: ) P

PJSander said...

"Jayne" is back on TBI - funnier than ever. Apparently someone from TBI and TLI is also on another "Other" island. LOL.

Tarzan and Jayne should do a comedy act together. It could be the biggest thing on ABC since... well since LOST! *g*

: ) P

Anonymous said...
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PJSander said...


: ) P

Tasha said...

Hey everyone. I think Jayne is confused. I think Tarzan is in big trouble and hope he is still here next week...and I think this video is awesome so check it out. It's kind of a recap of last week's episode but I liked the way they made it.


PJSander said...

That was VERY cool. And we think *we* spend too much time on LOST! LOL

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

Tasha said...

Nice piece of work. Does anyone else think Ben would rather be dead than alive under the conditions he'll have to endure? And will he push the edge of the envelope and be destroyed?

8) Jim

ps Oops! Sorry for the off-subject comment.

Anonymous said...
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PJSander said...

At least when she starts murdering his rabbits, he can keep track of which ones are lost, being numbered and all.You never cease to give me chuckle, DocH. Thanks!

: ) P

Tasha said...

I was talking more about Tarzan needing to give his Tax to the science people and going to the Science Prison. Still that was funny.

Rita said...

Nice youtube link, Tasha, thanks. Just makes me more excited than ever that tomorrow is LOSTday!!!

Hammer said...

Okay it's official (as if it weren't before) I'm a Lostaholic. Taking the kids to Universal Park tomorrow, walking in when they open the gates so I can get back to the condo by 9:00pm.....wow, for a second there, I almost felt bad about. LOL.

Almost Lost related. IMO, Jayne is ruining the Tarzan bit for me. Especially since I am certain who it is.

Lost related...Jim, I like where you are going with Ben would rather be dead...my thinking is that he just wants to do 'anything' for the island whether alive or dead...but I think I see what you are getting at.

Rita said...

Hammer said...
Okay it's official (as if it weren't before) I'm a Lostaholic.
LOL Hammer - I'm afraid my friends now think I am officially nuts. My friend called and said "I knew I had to call tonight because LOST is on tomorrow night" (she doesn't watch but knows I do) and I said, "yes but tonight is LOST Eve!" She said "Oh brother, you've got it bad!" (True)

Hammer said...

Yes, Rita you do...we ALL do!

PJSander said...

At least we're among fellow LOSTaholics, right?

I was in Alabama last week looking after a friend who had major surgery. I told her before I went that if she hadn't kicked me out by Wednesday, I was going to have to watch LOST. She cleared the room for me. I didn't feel too bad though, it was the only hour I wasn't working my fanny off! LOL

You say you think you know who Jayne is, Hammer? I know it is someone who has been to TLI, but obviously goes to TBI and at least one other blog. But I haven't figured out who it is.

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

Hammer said...
Okay it's official (as if it weren't before) I'm a Lostaholic. Taking the kids to Universal Park tomorrow, walking in when they open the gates so I can get back to the condo by 9:00pm
If you do it just right, you can run their little legs off. They'll be glad to quit!

8) Jim

Tasha said...

My son's school went to see the King Tut exhibit in Dallas and they have a pic on their website of the kids in front of a big statue of...guess who? Anubis. Or so I think. I can send the link if someone wants to confirm. Anyway, thanks to LOST we will now be going as a family in like 2 weeks! I can't wait!! Maybe I will uncover something! I am excited!


Tasha said...

Oh what the heck! Check out the
3rd pic down on the right. Anubis? Wow I might just go drive by! Just to see it. Why am I so excited? Yes I am a dork!

Tasha said...

oops forgot to post the link....

Rita said...

Tasha, other than the ears and the anks, it could be our statue! Do a drive by for me - yes I'm a dork too, I'm afraid!

Jim in Georgia said...

Tasha, who are all those blue people worshipping Anubis? *bg*

Seriously, it's a great display. We saw it in Atlanta before things turned seriously Eguptian on Lost. A lot of it dealt with background information like the deities. I shoulda taken notes! *strikes own back with knotted rope*

BTW, we had the Chinese terra cotta soldiers in Atlanta at the same time and saw both in one day. (On a bus trip; someone else got to drive and worry about parking.) The soldiers are also worth seeing if they're anywhere near.

8) Jim

Tasha said...

That's awesome Jim that you have been there. Is it worth the money?? Think really hard for me....did you see Smokey anywhere? JK. I am going to do a drive by
before we actually go! I can see myself taking notes and taking pics of EVERYTHING! I think maybe the stuff on the show is from a different time, but with the statues and what I have read there will be alot more to it.

Hey! I guess I am slow but, what does *bg* mean? I think the little blue people must have been the other other's kids.

Jim in Georgia said...

*bg* is "big grin." It occurred to me later that it make have been a convention of smurfs! LOL

It was worth the money. I had missed Tut the first time around. The exhibit came to the U.S. while I was on one of my assignments in Germany with the Army and I was very happy when I heard they were doing it again.

8) Jim

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