Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some Like it Hoth

With such an unusual title, I went to TLI bloggers for suggestions on what it means.

DocH said:
I have two reads on this. Hoth is the ICE planet in Star Wars. It is a play on the phrase "Some Like It HOT", suggesting "Some Like It COLD." The Star Wars portion of my brain immediately suggested to the rest of my brain, aka the LOST portion of my brain - hey - it has something to do with the Frozen Donkey Wheel chamber.

My second thought was the movie "Some Like It Hot" with M.Monroe, T.Curtis and J.Lemmon. synop: Two struggling musicians witness the St. Valentine's Day Massacre and try to find a way out of the city before they are found and killed by the mob. The only job that will pay their way is an all girl band so the two dress up as women. In addition to hiding, each has his own problems; One falls for another band member but can't tell her his gender, and the other has a rich suitor who will not take "No" for an answer. - - - I am not sure how they could work that into the plotline... where two of the Losties have to do some gener-bendin'-pretendin'.



The images of Thoth that I found show a super long bird bill, like a flamingo, holding a spear and an Ankh. (que?)

Jim in Georgia said:
The best I can say is that my first impression was that Hoth was an Egyptian deity. That didn't work, obviously.

The Wikipdeia page Hoth (disambiguation) will take you to Höðr, a Norse god (demigod?) also known as Hoth. He assists his brother in slaying Baldr with an arrow made of mistletoe. How romantic(?)!



There's an Egyptian god named Thoth! I didn't find it; someone on the LP did.


TXYorkFamily said:
There was a Nazi general named Hoth who was convicted of war crimes, but that seems a stretch!

I think it's a play on words, since Hoth in Star Wars was supposed to be covered in ice or whatever, but obviously Some Like it Hot is the cultural reference...so if it's about opposites, what could that mean?

Rita said:
This is my best guess as well. Actually, I HOPE this is correct - it's about time for us to see what Sawyer meant that Daniel is no longer with them.

Circus Mom said:
Hoth led me here. Thinking about the war Widmore mentioned and Adam and Eve. Also the whisperers saying that "it's the brothers that help us.



Thoth sometimes appears as a ibis or as a goose laying a golden egg. Hurley Bird?

Thoth also leads to Hermes in Greek culture. "in Greek mythology. An Olympian god, he is also the patron of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them, of shepherds and cowherds, of thieves and road travelers,"

To the Thoth Tarot deck, which leads to "Liber AL vel Legis", or "The book of the Law."

KateTheGreat said:
I think Hoth has GOT to be a reference to Star Wars, as the writers are such big fans. I'm expecting (and hoping for) an explanation of the Polar bears.

How does a Polar bear get from his native Arctic Ocean to a spooky South Pacific island then the Tunisian desert? The most obvious answer is Vile Vortices. I'm also hoping for a answer as to why do it in the first place. I think this episode will go back to 1977 Dharma to tackle that one.

Tasha said:
Also...we always say the eye of Horus...Isn't there also an Eye of Thoth?


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Rita said...

One of the best reasons to come here is to get my daily dose of DocH!

Jim in Georgia said...

DocH said...

Did we give up after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? NO!

Can you refresh my memory on the date of that action? *huge grin*

8) Jim

Rita said...

Hey good catch JinG! I missed that one - I guess I'm slipping! *g*

Rita said...

Am I right in thinking that we DON'T have an episode this week?? That "The Variable" isn't until the following week?????????!!!!!!! :(

PJSander said...

Oh DocH, you get the 1st annual Tillie rib-tickler award!

Rita, you are correct. This week we have a clip show which I believe is called LOST: The Story of the Oceanic Six"

The following week goes back to new content and if it goes as planned, we'll have new episodes through to the end of the season. The end of the season? WAAAHH!

: ) P

Anonymous said...
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Jim in Georgia said...

Jim in Georgia said...


For those still cursed with remembering my long-winded commentary, there's a curious "thing" about the equation. Math variables are usually a single character:

E = mc2
A2 + B2 = C2

(The blog won't accect the superscript tag so bump all the numbers up so they mean "squared.")

However, right square in the middle of the equation is the word "Var" and the next (real) episode is "The Variable."


8) Jim

Jim in Georgia said...

DocH said...
- - -
Nothing's over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
- - -
Famous motivational speech from "Animal House", circa 1978.

There's my problem. I never saw the movie! Ten years to old.

I feel so...so... (sob) irrelevant.

8) Jim

Anonymous said...
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Jim in Georgia said...

Three's Company: "Demeaning," that's an excellent description. As time went on, I steered away from anything with a laugh track.

8) Jim

PJSander said...


I put Three's Company in the same category as Scooby Doo. Silly hi-jinks ensue when some terrible miscommunication happens. I loved John Ritter though. His physical comedy rivals Jim Carrey IMO.

: ) P

Anonymous said...
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KateTheGreat said...

DocH: I agree, its harder to come up with new questions and theories when most of the episodes are answers! I think the writers have been really good at still dropping some mysteries to keep us hooked (the statue, Daniel's absence, Ben vs. Penny, etc.).

By the way, you guys are cracking me up with the Animal House stuff! To-ga! To-ga!

flgrl said...

I tend to only appear on the blogs the first couple of days after an episode, but something popped into my head so I decided to come back on. You guys get quite silly when we've exhausted all our revelations from the current ep. :)

What I saw is that when everyone refers to Richard, it is as RA. It occurred to me that RA is in fact the most famous and important of the Egyptian gods (the sun god). Possibly just a coincidence, but interesting I thought.

Petra said...
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PJSander said...

I agree, flgrl, that it is interesting, whether a coincidence or not - particularly since up until VERY recently, Alpert has been referred to as Captain Eyeliner, Guyliner, and Alpert and never (that I saw) RA.

Sometimes I wonder if someone from Bad Robot lurks around the blogs and plants those ideas! *g*

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

First, Mystery list:
* The Black Rock?
* The meaning of Richard's items?
* What's going on with the Others in 2005?
* What's in Ilana's big shiny box?
* More, more, more.

Second, TBI and Duke:
A modest proposal: Return as before. If Duke posts a constructive comment, post a near-perfect copy without referencing his. (Duke said what? I musta missed it!) If Duke posts a non-constructive comment, ignore it completely. If Duke posts an attack, really, really ignore it. "Duke," of course, means Duke or any of his ilk. People like this thrive on attention.

8) Jim

Anonymous said...
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PJSander said...

JiG's right. The best defense it to completely ignore anything remotely inflammatory. If EVERYONE did that, TBI would be much easier to deal with.

: ) P

PJSander said...

(TBI) Mike said: My thoughts go back to Widmore saying there will be a war coming and you want to be on the right side...or something to that effect. Could it be that Dharma is returning to the island? That is who the islanders will be battling? It appears that Dharma has tons of money... they were able to build all these stations, have their own beer canned as well as all the other generic food, once kicked off, or "purged" off the island, you would think that they would want to try to return.

Mike, I think you might be on to something here. A couple of people have mentioned DHARMA being the possible "third party" which gave me pause to consider that. This lead me to thoughts of the defunct ARG game this past summer.

To me, it felt very odd for D&C to just out and out cancel the ARG because of the "economy" especially since, to run the thing really only required a couple of programmers who were probably already on somebody's payroll.

Going with the idea that we are supposed to "buy into" the idea of DHARMA being reconstituted. What if that email saying that the ARG was being shut down because of the economy was a big "cover-up" because Dr. Evil (some unknown bad-guy) had taken over the newly reconstituted DHARMA and didn't want "us" to know about Ilana and Bram and the island takeover?

I know it sounds a bit far-fetched, but given the way the first part of the ARG was run, it might be heading in a direction that makes some sense.

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

PJSander said...


To me, it felt very odd for D&C to just out and out cancel the ARG because of the "economy" especially since, to run the thing really only required a couple of programmers who were probably already on somebody's payroll.

No, the new Dharma was a huge organization with a professional staff and plans for the future. It collapsed when the investors embezzled the money and fled. At least, we have to pretend that's true.

8) Jim

Anonymous said...
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PJSander said...

So I went and sat outside in the yard and I heard a voice whispering in the dark... "yenom eht wollof." So I played it backwards in my mind - "follow the money"... Who has (had) the finances to pull a counter-coup. Paik! We still know so little about the Paik side of the Pacific.

You're making a lot of sense here, DocH. I really believe the third/fourth party can't be completely unknown to us at this point.

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

DocH said...


"a fourth party."

I like. The Widmore faction is now controlled by Sun or her agents. Yes?

And what does Kate know? She told Jack something like, "We may all be on the same plane, but we're not all together." Does Hurley's visit for Ji-Yeon's presentation to Jin speak volumes?

It would be interesting if Sun were the ultimate "bad girl" here.

Add to the mystery list:
* Who's in what group?
* Are any groups allied/co-belligerent?

8) Jim

Hammer said...

Agree with JIG on TBI/Duke.

Absolutley love the Animal House motivational speech....(also love it when those who have never saw it say "Germans?" lol).

Love Doc's 3rd or 4th party Paik idea (still holding on to RA's recruits for braggin' rights).

Also love Mike's idea @ another DHARMA group coming from the ARG.

I never took 3's Co. as demeaning....until you mentioned it Doc. I met Ritter and family at LAX once when I was 12, really cool dude.

PJSander said...

TBI: roses12 = gmta leah?

: ) P

Rita said...

I don't know PJ, the timing for having watched the ep is England is right, but I remember roses12 from before, quite a while ago maybe.

PJSander said...

Oh okay. I didn't remember the name. I just saw the timing and the syntax / punctuation / lack of capitalization and made the connection. Never mind! LOL

: ) P

Miss Kim said...

I'm still pondering what really does lie in the shadow of the statue. I'm inclined to think that the answer may be eternal life--with Richard Alpert, RA, Captain Eyeliner--or my personal favorite--the Island's Dick Clark--running around it would make sense. Nothing to back that hunch up of course. Of course, it may also be as simple as "What did one snowman say to the other snowman?"....any thoughts?

PJSander said...

Ooh, I like the idea of eternal youth - I mean that has been what people have been seeking for thousands of years!

I hadn't heard "the island's Dick Clark" that is very funny!

: ) P

PJSander said...

I was looking for something on TBI, and realized that we're generally talking amongst ourselves over there (with a little input from a few others). Do you realize that, to date, TLI'ers account for 124/334 posts this week!? LOL That's more than a third of the posts.

Yes, I am a numbers geek, but foremost, I am a LOSTaholic!

: ) P

Anonymous said...
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Rita said...

PJSander said...
Ooh, I like the idea of eternal youth - I mean that has been what people have been seeking for thousands of years!
Yes, eternal youth/eternal life, and eternal knowledge, from the trees of Life and Knowledge in the Garden of Eden.

Tasha said...

I like the eternal youth idea. I am looking at it as the shadow of an egyptian god(or whatever the statue is), which in ways can be related. I bet it can have multiple meanings:)

Miss Kim said...

If you had the "gift" of eternal life....hmmmmmm. Let's try that one out with the "Grandfather Paradox".....if you could travel back in time and kill your grandfather--but you have been bestowed eternal life.....it wouldn't matter that Grandpa was dead, because you would always exist no matter what. Could this "paradox to the paradox" cause the destruction of the universe? Is eradicating eternal life the way to "win the war"? How the heck to do you get rid of something that can exist for forever? I suppose you'd need to get back to the time it was granted and stop it from occuring....

Miss Kim said...

I've been calling Richard Alpert "Dick Clark" since the New Year when I watched DC's Rockin' New Year's Eve. He sure does seem to have taken a lickin' but keeps right on tickin'. (Spooky. Dick Clark kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies. So does Richard Alpert)

PJSander said...

if you could travel back in time and kill your grandfather--but you have been bestowed eternal life.....it wouldn't matter that Grandpa was dead, because you would always exist no matter what.

Hmmm. Could THIS be what upsets WHH?

: ) P

PJSander said...

I love TED.

Check out this March 2007 talk given by JJ Abrams. There is a little LOST talk, not enough to fully satisfy, but enough to help hold us over until tomorrow night.


: ) P

Tasha said...

Hurley is on the Bonnie Hunt show right now talking about LOST!

Circus Mom said...

The Bonnie Hunt clip is on Dark UFO now. I didn't fid it spoilerish. He tells us one question that they will answer but not the answer. He also says we will find out more about a certain mystery, but not what we will learn.

Circus Mom said...

This is from Lostpedia,

The circle of trust is a group of people within the DHARMA Initiative who are 'in' on the secret of the Swan station, and know that it is built in Hostile territory in violation of the truce.

I don't think we know this is hostile territory. Miles assumed it was because they were supposed to stay out of that grid. I think Chang manipulated that and it is Dharma territory. The hostiles would notice them there if it was their territory. JMO

PJSander said...

Speaking of spoilers... I just read the article in the April 20th issue of TVGuide. It was COMPLETELY FINE until the last freekin' paragraph! Ack. The truth is that it wasn't SO bad, but it confirmed an answer of a question. It wasn't a "burning" question to me, so I was okay with it, but fair warning to the rest of you!

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

Circus Mom said...
This is from Lostpedia,

The circle of trust is a group of people within the DHARMA Initiative who are 'in' on the secret of the Swan station, and know that it is built in Hostile territory in violation of the truce.

I don't think we know this is hostile territory. Miles assumed it was because they were supposed to stay out of that grid. I think Chang manipulated that and it is Dharma territory. The hostiles would notice them there if it was their territory. JMO

Interesting point. I was going to jump in a say, "No, Miles is in security; he'd know what areas are restricted." But, it's possible. Security may be in layers. Does that mean Horace should have said that 334 was okay? Or is that another layer? This is juicy.

8) Jim

Jim in Georgia said...

I've put a piece on my sandbox at the LP about grids on the Island. It's long for a post. I'd appreciate comments, there or here.



8) Jim

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Circus Mom said...

Hi all,

Our circus opens in 3 weeks so I will be lurking but may not have time to type much till the end of May. I might save TBI till after May 24th depending on how things work out. If I see anything interesting I will chime in.

I also have a idea for the off season. How about a weekly research project on something from our theories this season? Norse and Egptyian myths are a good start.

Jim in Georgia said...

Circus Mom said...

How about a weekly research project on something from our theories this season?

Good idea. I suspect it will be Egyptian. All the visuals seem to point that way. In spite of some computer games, it's the pantheon I know the least about.

8) Jim

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