But at the same time, the episode marks the end of the light that makes Wednesdays almost better than Fridays - a time when pretty much anything can be shaken off with the knowledge that a new episode of LOST will be on. Thursday marks the first day of the dark time. A time when life's luster is just a little less brilliant; when one week becomes another with nothing special to mark the midweek bump; the first day of about 250 LOSTless days.
Still, we'll have DVD's, maybe a Tillie game or two, some trivia, and each other to help us through the bleak period known as the final hiatus.
But let's look on the bright side... we have THREE HOURS OF LOST tonight! Whoo hoo! Bring it ON! Oh Mylanta! Go Jack! Go Sawyer! Go Ben!
Go Damon!
Go Carlton!
Let's get...
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 276 of 276I understand. I have nothing invested there, but life is soooo much more civil over here!
8) Jim
Jim...you would have loved it back in season 1 and 2 when the creator of TBI...Andreas still owned it. He monitored it well, participated and had a side kick name Cecilia that was great too.
Hmmmm...reminds me of TLI.
(Patting PJ on the back again.)
Aw shucks!
Truth is that I visit TBI out of habit more than anything. Plus, truth be told, I NEED to help people, so when newbies ask - shall we say - ridiculous - questions, I like to HELP before someone else jumps down their throats!
I am also a stickler for getting things right (it is all I can do NOT to correct spelling and grammar, but that is the teacher in me), so when someone says something that is definitively AGAINST canon, I have to correct.
You are all just too precise and correct - so I have to fulfill that need elsewhere! LOL
: ) P
Back to the BG/Jacob convo., after BG says the bit about it always ending the same(they come, they fight, they corrupt) Jacob says 'it only ends once'.
Hmmmmm...only ends once?
DocH, you make my day! Thank you. :)
Golden phrases, Doc.
Hammer said...
Back to the BG/Jacob convo., after BG says the bit about it always ending the same(they come, they fight, they corrupt) Jacob says 'it only ends once'.
Hmmmmm...only ends once?
They come.They fight. With previous arrivals? With each other?
They corrupt. Others? Themselves?
It only ends once. Jacob wants the world to end? He's brought different peoples to the Island over the millenia and now "he's" gotten his hands on a nuke?
Jacob is the ultimate bad guy. He wants to destroy the world. The Linus faction of the Others is his (un)witting accomplice. The DHARMA Initiative and and the Widmore faction of the Others are his adversaries.
The Survivors? Kate: "We're all on the same plane; that doesn't mean we're all together."
I don't know how true any of that is or if I believe it, but it's almost a complete turnaround of what I was thinking before the finale.
8) Jim
The Survivors? Kate: "We're all on the same plane; that doesn't mean we're all together."
Which is almost the exact opposite of what she'd said earlier which is "I have always been with you, Jack" (paraphrasing).
As for BG wanting to end the world, I am not sure. See, I think most traditional "bad guys" want to RULE the world (insert cartoon of evil little warlord greedily rubbing his hands in his underground bunker as his minions push buttons controlling the weather in order to throw the planet into ruins so he can officially become leader of the world) not end it.
Not sure how that fits in with BG.
: ) P
PJSander said...
Which is almost the exact opposite of what she'd said earlier which is "I have always been with you, Jack" (paraphrasing).
Ah, the plot thickens.
Kate has always been with Jack. (Note the past tense?). However, Kate will always be with Jack, but she knows some won't and, maybe, knows who they are.
BTW, I thought that Jack's "We're all together" spiel while waiting for 316 to take off was hopelessly romantic/naive/something.
8) Jim
Maybe he was trying to recreate his inspirational "Live together, die alone" speech. *bg*
: ) P
Well, big island (which I'm avoiding at the moment), or small, I'm glad to have a lovely spot on the web to discuss LOST with like minded pals--thank you!!!
And LOL on the cartoon, PJ! love it.
re: the purpose of the two nemeses...I had a few thoughts on them, and the smoke monster, and BG...
BG--I wonder if that first time we see him, if that's his REAL body--Jacob doesn't name him, which is interesting, and I was kinda creeped out by his line "I already ate" I dunno, there was a sort of dark humor there, or maybe it's just me.
But, as the entity in opposition to Jacob seems well able to assume the forms it chooses, BG may have been some previous island inhabitant Gone On, as it were.
Also, the things BG picks out that result when The Humans come--fight, corrupt, destroy--those are not things we look for in building a higher 'good' society. So from that POV, BG has a standard you can see/admire.
Which is not to say I think he's a good being. At least, not good for US, the feeble mortals.
Remember the judgment of Eko? Eko, who, we might say, found redemption on a human scale, did not measure up to The Opposing Entity's scale of value. What was the failing? Hubris? Self acceptance? TOE (couldn't resist) wanted something from Eko, and despite the spiritual qualities it found in Eko which made it pick him out to try, Eko was not the right tool for the job.
Unlike poor John Locke, and Ben.
I got a little long winded there--
as far as good v. evil, I'm not sold on that black and white of a opposition.
My impression of BG and it's other manifestations is, Dangerous, Capricious, Impulsive, Clever, and Angry
My impression of Jacob is, Kind, Clever, Laid-back, Deep, Inscrutable, Content with Simplicity and yet...
Something like--
Is BG like the Devil, annoyed with God for creating pesky and worthless humans? You know, like Ben with Jacob, what about me? Wasn't I enough for you?
Maybe that's the argument between Jacob & TOE?
Also, Jacob's Tapestry--I found some screenshots of it, not that I can make heads or tails of it, really, but there's another bit of Greek at the very bottom. Maybe there's a translation of that out there somewhere??? You can't 100 percent see it.
Anyone have any thoughts on what the stories told on the tapestry might be???
Plus there are hieroglyphs, couldn't tell you what they were, and below the farming scenes, some kind of weird linear structure that kinda reminded me of Dan's map of time and space and whatever--anybody have any thoughts on those?? Or a better picture??
Rewatched the first 20 minutes so far - it really is a totally different experience knowing that Locke is really FLocke. Weird.
Liz, I know you are referring to BG as TOE - is that "the other entity" or something else I am too dense to pick up on?
: ) P
I'm so skeptical I guess. Things aren't always as they seem. Maybe Jacob isn't such a good guy after all. Maybe beach guy just wants to kill Jacob because he's had something taken away from him. Kind of like when biblical Jacob took away Esau's birthright and blessing.....
Yes, PJ, TOE is The Other Entity--sorry!! a little lame, I know.
Can we talk about the podcasts? Damon and Carlton did a thing on the last one, who's good and who's bad--
Miss Kim, I agree, things aren't always what they seem--and certainly on Lost that happens a lot.
Maybe it's the actor, but the vibe I got from Jacob was on the whole positive--but if Higher Being he is, he's a pretty hands-off guy. Doesn't seem to mind when his 'people' die/are killed. He doesn't rise up and shake offenders to death (unless he IS Smokey).
He pretty much lets it happen.
Is he indifferent? Uncaring? Act on a different standard than we do?
Yet his off-Island interactions with our heroes are of a kindly nature. Except for Sayid. Well, he could be said to save Sayid, but not Nadia, thus separating the two lovers--so maybe that wasn't so wonderful, but the other encounters...
What about the statue? I was certain that it was Anubis (my favorite option), but I've seen all kinds of other "definite" citings from other sites. What's the consensus here? Not saying that you'll sway me from Anubis, but at least I'd like to hear what you're thinking.
IDK about the statue. It has a definite Egytpian feel, but I am not sure that we can definitively tie it to any known god.
I haven't done any of my own research on it this time around.
: ) P
So I had this idea for the hiatus (because trivia probably won't hold us the whole time! LOL) and now I see that another site is doing something similar (Doc Artz I think), so it can't be a BAD idea... LOL
How would you guys feel about "re-hashing" the entire series over the hiatus? There are about 250 days until next season and 102 hours of LOST. I could post the LP recap of an episode every two or three days, those who want to can rewatch that episode on DVD or online, and then we can discuss anything new or interesting.
Fun? Pointless? Is that too much to take on? What are your opinions?
: ) P
Give it a try PJ...see how it goes.
PJSander said...
Go for it. We will get tired of discussing points specific to "The Incident" long before next February (uncontrolled weeping!).
Anyway, pulling all the pieces together is what Lost is all about.
8) Jim
About Jacob being good or bad, I got the distinct impression during "The Incident" that Jacob was all good and the other guy was all bad. However, LOST is all about characters that have both good and bad aspects. It seems like there are two possibilities to me: the two guys both have elements of good and bad that we have yet to see, or they are so far above the fray that they can be pure good and pure evil. I'm hoping for the former.
Sounds good to me PJ, I think it would be great to re-watch and see all those weird island manifestations again now that there's a possibility we know who was really behind it all...it's always fun to see the little details that seemed so meaningless then and make so much sense now!
I haven't decided if I want to watch all the previous episodes during the hiatus to get more clues or if I want to wait until after season 6 when I'll know everything and it will all finally make sense. Or both!
At any rate, I think that giving an opportunity to discuss previous episodes would be the best option for giving us something to chew on in the coming months.
If you don't want to do each individual episode (because there are a lot), perhaps do themed weekly posts about topics from past seasons, like "The Hatch", "Jack's leadership", or "Rousseau". I could think of a lot of topics that have spanned several seasons but still have discussion possibilities.
I am still LOST about what really happened when Des turned the fail safe key. Pushing the button released the energy...not pushing it created the magnetic pull like just like we saw from drilling into the pocket.
Turning the key created a white flash like Juliette detonating the bomb.
Did Des turning the key detonate the bomb in 2004?
Anyone doing the ARG this time around? Sounds interesting, but I don't have enough time for it!
Someone on TBI suggested that Lapidus might have been a "good candidate" to take on Jacob's soul or whatever, now that his body has been toasted.
This actually holds some water for me because I KNOW that D&C REALLY like Jeff Lahey, so it would make sense for that to be the way to give him another season of juicy work!
: ) P
My gut says that Jacob is GOOD. Kind of sad and lonely, but good nonetheless. HOWEVER, if you look at his off island encounters with our LOSTies, there are two ways to interpret each of them:
young Kate: He "saved" her from the wrath of the storekeeper and told her to be good (good encounter). OR - he prevented her from learning from her mistakes by removing the consequences of her actions (bad encounter).
Sayid: He "saved" Sayid from the car accident (good encounter). OR - he caused Nadia's death by delaying her trip across the street (she turned around/walked slower while waiting for Sayid and so got hit by the car) (bad encounter).
Jack: He gave Jack the apollo bar from the vending machine, rather than keep it for himself (was there more? I don't remember) (good encounter). OR - he was "spying" on Jack (how did he know it was Jack's candy bar? Jack wasn't really all that near it at the time) (Kind of creepy encounter).
Sun/Jin: He blessed their wedding and spoke beautiful Korean words of encouragment to them (good encounter). OR - he crashed their wedding and butted in where he didn't belong (OK, a bit of a stretch but still a not good encounter).
Sawyer: He provided comfort to a child who just lost his parents, and gave him the pen he needed (good encounter). OR - he provided the pen which he must have known would be used to write a vindictive letter which led to an unhealthy life of becoming the thing he hated (BAD encounter).
Hurley: He got Hurley on the plane, with a guitar case. (good/bad encounter - we don't know yet).
Just a thought. I hear people going back and forth on Jacob, and both sides have merit, so at this point, I guess we just go with our guts.
As far as the episode rehash, is there anyone who will definitely want to watch an episode every two or three days? I would LIKE to, but we no longer have a blockbuster online account, and won't pay to rent the DVD's and I doubt I will fight ABC.com three times a week. I may be able to borrow the DVD's but I don't want to be the only one to have watched them!
I was also figuring on discussing based on synopsis and memory. But if NO ONE wants to watch the episodes, then we can skip it, no big deal.
I have come up with a couple of other LOST "games" to play and we could still do trivia - we have new players and a whole season we haven't exhausted yet!
: ) P
Well, I own the dvds for every season except this one (yet!)- and would LIKE to re-watch them all but I honestly don't think I can commit to an every few days schedule. I WOULD like to discuss them though, and will occasionally be able to watch some episodes, but your time table is a bit ambitious for me :) I'm in for whatever you've got though PJ, so bring it on!
PJSander said...
Someone on TBI suggested that Lapidus might have been a "good candidate" to take on Jacob's soul or whatever, now that his body has been toasted.
This actually holds some water for me because I KNOW that D&C REALLY like Jeff Lahey, so it would make sense for that to be the way to give him another season of juicy work!
: ) P
May 17, 2009 6:11 PM
This is assuming that Jacob NEEDS to do what BG did. BG didn't use a body (Locke's body was in the box) just his likeness. I took it as BG used Locke's likeness because he was the new leader. HE made sure Locke died and appeared to be reincarnated in order to perform the loophole trick.
DocH said...
LP has degraded...
Roger that. I think there's hope. Understanding the producers' version of time travel was not easy; I'm not sure I do yet. A lot of "editors" won't bother to show up until until Lost starts again. There are some I can't wait to not see. I'm looking forward to some relative peace.
Penelope will be on Flash Forward this fall on ABC. Sonya Walger plays a doctor.
Re-watching the episodes is fine with me. I have all the seasons on DVD too so that's not a problem. That's the good thing about nap time...it's time for me to catch up on shows that I've recorded!
I would like to re-watch one episode a week. On Wednesdays. At 9:00. I usually watch at ABC.com.
It hit me today when I was driving home...mentally going over my upcoming week. Monday-PTO meeting, Tuesday-dinner w/ my parents, Wednesday-LOST, Thursday....wait. There is no more LOST....@%*&@#.
Wednesdays for one hour a week sounds good, Miss Kim, but we'd only through the first two season at that rate!
Okay, maybe instead of some "formal" watching schedule, we just continue to discuss things organically. Anyone can bring up any thought they've had based on any episode they've seen. That's probably more the Tillie style anyway, huh?
I will still post episode synopses - say three per week - throughout the hiatus as a way to track the time and perhaps instigate some new topics for conversation.
Sound okay?
: ) P
TBI comment 392 claims to be a former employee of LOST. Might not want to read it because it's a spoiler if it's true.
That is funny. I started to read it, thought it was a lot of prattle and too long, and repeated a lot of points that others had made. Did not even get to the discussion of the NDA. Don't really believe it myself.
: ) P
Probabally NOT true.
The one thing I noticed was he/she said Malkin said Aaron would feel abandoned if Claire didn't raise him, but I can't find that script anywhere.
Here's a great pic of the tapestry that jacob made:
and a desciption of the eye of Horus also known as the eye of Ra (or should that be RA?)
Great screen cap of the tapestry. Any idea of its origin because I don't remember seeing Ben that close to it!
It is interesting that the letters are Greek - and the words are from Homer - but that the "drawings" don't seem to be. They do look Egyptian, not that I am an expert in all things Egyptian. The statue isn't Greek either.
So what can we gather? Have members from many ancient civilizations been "drawn" to the island? Ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks are represented. We have the Korean flag in the DHARMA symbol. Dharma is sanskrit going back to Indian origins.
Lots to process.
: ) P
Plus ancient roman - at least based on them using Latin to communicate. Maybe a Tower of Babel type situation?
Oh, and the screencap came from losteastereggs.blogspot
Yes PJ...I think BG basically told us that this is the history of the island...THEY come, THEY fight,...always ends the same, etc., etc. And he basically told us that Jacob has always been the one that gets them to come....
I'd like to discuss Jacob's Cabin or maybe an expansion as "Jacob's Presumed and Known Residences" (balky). I've always been intrigued by the circle of (volcanic?) ash particles. We'd have to watch or be familiar with:
("The Man Behind the Curtain") 3x20
("The Beginning of the End") 4x01
("Cabin Fever") 4x11
("The Incident, Parts 1 & 2") 5x16
BTW, the LP has the translations of the first two rows of Greek on the tapestry, but there's another one near the bottom that's partially obscured. Can anyone read even words?
8) Jim
Ok. The structure known at one time as "Jacob's Cabin". I went to LP to brush up on this topic and noticed it has been nominated for renaming. Personally, I'm gonna still call it Jacob's cabin. Why do you think Ilana burned it down?
Hammer said, ".......Did Des turning the key detonate the bomb in 2004?"
I'm liking this. Sounds very feasible and also "ties" things together in the story.
I agree about the bomb. I mentioned this when Jughead aired and was shot down, so I suppose there was a flaw in the theory.
However, I still want to stick with WHH being real. I like the idea that the magnetic anomaly caused the white sky event and that the bomb was NOT detonated in 1977, but rather when Desmond turned the key.
: ) P
Re: Ilana torching Jacob's Cabin
I got the impression it was because it was no longer Jacob's. It had been tainted by being used by *whoever* so now it was no good.
DocH, I think you just solved all the island mysteries with that one. LOL!
The cabin was Jacobs but he hadn't used it in a long time. When Bram said "notice the ash" we all assumed it was because of the break in the ash. I now have a different theory. I think BG, who I think of as Esau, (Jacobs older twin) was living in the cabin having been traped there by Jacob or someone on Jacobs side. The ash was put there to keep him in and he escaped. Bram saying "notice the ash" was about it being there in the first place. It was BG who said "Help Me" to Locke.
I also think that when Jacob told Flocke "they're coming" he meant his followers, Ilana and such.
Richard knew that Jacob lived under the foot so I am still assuming that he got the lists and all from Jacob. Perhaps he was the one that told Ben that Jacob was in the cabin? The others were all living near the foot when they kidnaped Walt. They moved when they kidnaped Jack, Kate and Sawyer.
There is a connection in the fact that RA and Jacob both don't age. It is just out of my grasp right now.
Sorry if that is a bit porly written but one more week of circus shows.
I do want to discuss the episodes starting with season one in order. Perhaps we could do three a week with re-watching optional for those who can. Most of us here have good recall and we can reference ttranscripts and all when in question. Those of us who watch can look for easter eggs of Jacob and BG.
That's my ten cents.
I had originally thought that when Jacob said "they are coming" he meant Ilana and co. But with more thought, I now think he meant Jack, Kate, and co. - Ilana wasn't "coming", she was there already, not "coming". The others were mid time-flash (possibly) so could be seen as "coming".
It's also interesting that RA knew Jacob lived in the foot, but Ben seemed to believe he lived in the cabin. I still am thinking that Ben only THOUGHT he was serving Jacob, but was actually serving "Esau" - who was using the cabin. Thus, he had never seen Jacob, never got any actual messages from Jacob (but pretended he did, in order to maintain leadership) - and Jacob pronounced judgement upon him (a Biblical "I never knew you" - spoken as "what ABOUT you?"). Ilana burned down the cabin because "Esau" had tainted it.
Rita, @ Ben believing Jacob's cabin, I posted this on TBI:
Wingman, I diagree that the cabin was never inhibited by the real Jacob. Ilana et al went straight there to show Jacob Locke’s body. We know SHE has had direct contact with Jacob because of the scene with her in bandages and Jacob asking for her help. Hence, Jacob used to ‘hang’ there. The broken ash ring is what tips them off that he isn’t there anymore and then head to the statue
So, is the "foot" considered the Temple?
I am thinking not, because Smokey's lair was under the perimeter wall that apparently surrounded the temple, and we didn't see FLocke et all go through an arch or anything.
So where and what are the temple?
I am finding the banter at TBI to be a bit... arcane. People are posting theories based on speculations that were based on conjecture!
: ) P
I agree PJ. People think they have it all figured out? What the heck will S6 be if they are right that Jacob 'did' everything? Gotta be another set up.
The cabin has me puzzled. I thought that maybe that was where BG was trapped and that the break in the ash was what allowed him to escape - and that because Locke was the one to do it, it was Locke's persona he took on.
But if that is the case, why did Ilana et al go there? Were they going to check on the prisoner first? To see if BG was a threat yet?
As for torching the place, I am just as befuddled.
: ) P
Circus Mom said...
Perhaps he (as in richard) was the one that told Ben that Jacob was in the cabin?
I don't think so. I think Ben had absolutely no idea where to find Jacob, in spite of the fact that he almost certainly knew where the foot was. Ben took Locke to the cabin so he would have a stage for a "you can't see Jacob unless he wants you to" speech. When things started flying around the room he was at as much of a loss as Locke was or, possibly, even more because he "knew" there was no one there. He did have the presence of mind to yell at Jacob.
I'm with PJ on the idea that BG (I think the "official" name on LP is now "Jacob's Nemesis") was imprisoned in the cabin. Had to be after 1992, right? I'm having some trouble with how Jacob did it. The only thing I can think of is that he laid a thin line of the gray ash ("pixie dust?") one night then expanded the width of the ring over time.
Brilliant lyrics, Doc.
8) Jim
PJ, Here's my take. Ilana went to the cabin because she thought Jacob was still there. When Bram (Abraham) saw the ash she realized something had changed and went in to check. She realized that BG was using it and burned it down.
Rita, I went the opposite of you. I thought it was Jack and Kate and all then rewatched. Before going into the foot Flocke tells Richard that they will have to "take care of" all the other passengers from 316. They showed up while he was in causing Ben to kill Jacob so presumably Floce dosn't know they are outside. No RA knows it is Flock and not Locke.
Perhaps "they're coming" refers to both groups. At this point team Jacob def looks like the good guys. I think RA's others are good guys too and that Frank is a candidate to be a good guy. Jack recently told Chang to beleive Locke so I think it will be presented that Jack, Kate and all have lost their way.
Somehow I feel that Rose and Bernard will end up being the ultimate heros of the story. They are the ones who can prove Jacobs side of the argument that people can be good. Rose condemed the fighting, the oppoisite of BG saying they all fight and corrupt.
I just re-watched the Pilot episode and caught a few things...
It was interesting to hear Jack talk about his first solo surgery and how it sounded like it was his choice to count to five and he was so in control...funny now that we've actually seen what happened.
When Smokey showed up, I noticed it only stayed in the trees/jungle...have we ever seen Smokey go out of the jungle, like through the trees onto the beach? Interesting if that's where Jacob lived, on the beach...makes me wonder about the cabin though?
It's fun to watch them all again, I'm on episode three now, I LOVE nap time!!
Oh yeah, and I really miss Charlie!
Circus Mom said...
Rose and Bernard ... heros of the story
I don't know if I'm sure that's true, but I find myself wanting it to be true. Whoever goes first places the other in the caves and lies down to join him or her. He or she adds the white and black rocks as a wry joke or because he/she has no choice (WHH).
Before it's over, if all the others have to time skip again, do Rose and Bernard have to go along or are they granted immunity because they've found happiness?
8) Jim
TXYorkFamily said...
It was interesting to hear Jack talk about his first solo surgery and how it sounded like it was his choice to count to five and he was so in control...funny now that we've actually seen what happened.
Thanks. That one had been kind of gnawing at me.
Different subject, that popped into my pea-sized brain:
When Jacob tells Locke after the eight-story fall that he is sorry it happened to him, is he talking about the fall or about being selected for the task to follow? And, if Jacob resurrected Locke, does that mean he selected/enabled the instrument of his death?
8) Jim
Circus Mom said...
Rose and Bernard ... heros of the story
This reminds me, since we found R & B alone, I suppose it means that we really are out of 815 red shirts. Good thing the 316-ers have arrived with a fresh batch! :)
This may be a little lengthy and I know I've brought it up before....but please take a minute to let me rehash. Do any of you remember this season being referred to as "The Zombie Season"? I'm pretty sure that I did. I remember reading up on zombies and "philosophical zombies"...The ontology of physicalism ultimately includes whatever is described by physics — not just matter but energy, space, time, physical forces, structure, physical processes, information, state, etc. The "zombie argument" against physicalism in general was most famously developed in detail by David Chalmers in The Conscious Mind (1996). A behavioral zombie is behaviorally indistinguishable from a human and yet has no conscious experience.
Wher am I going with all of this? Flocke. Couldn't Flocke be considered some kind of a zombie? If my memory serves me correctly, Flocke was seeking an awful lot of clarification from Ben about his visit to Jacob's Cabin on the way to see Jacob in the foot of the statue....as if he had some inkling to what had occured to the real John Locke yet he lacked conscious experience and qualia.
"Qualia" is tricky to define. Philosophers often use the term ‘qualia’to refer to the introspectively accessible, phenomenal aspects of our mental lives. An experiment called the "Inverted Spectrum", originally developed by (the real life) John Locke, claims that if we find this experiment plausible, we must admit that qualia exist (and are non-physical). It's interesting and can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_spectrum
Okay, so I thought that Nestor Campbell was the only person in the world that had natural eyeliner...but I'm watching the Redwing play the Blackhawks and the 'hawks head coach also has natural eyeliner! So does my basset hound Diogi (pronounced d-o-g)...but I guess he doesn't count. Though I've known to call him Alpert on occasion. LOL.
Jim said:
When Jacob tells Locke after the eight-story fall that he is sorry it happened to him, is he talking about the fall or about being selected for the task to follow? And, if Jacob resurrected Locke, does that mean he selected/enabled the instrument of his death?
wow. lots to ponder. I wonder if when Jacob touches people he is "scanning" them kind of like the smoke monster did.
Do we know for sure that when Jacob visited Ilana in the Russian hospital it occured in the past? We think it was in the past because all of the other Jacob encounters we saw occured as flashbacks. (Also Juliet's storyline was a flashback to her childhood) Perhaps Jacob visited Ilana in a flashforward and asked for her help with something. Jacob was dressed oddly with black gloves on his hands....
I try to cite what I'm responding to when I can (or remember to). It can be tedious. Are you willing to put the following at the bottom of the welcome/rules section?
Citing format: <i>cited text</i><br><br>
Being the new guy, I broached the subject to DocH in an email and he's signed up.
If people hate it you can always take it out.
The code is below. You can copy and paste into the top section. Before saving, remove the spaces between the ampersands and the pound signs and the code will execute.
Citing format: & #60;i& #62;cited text& #60;/i& #62;& #60;br& #62;& #60;br& #62;
We Tillies could then copy the entry into the comment box.
There are some other formats that may be useful, too.
8) Jim
Miss Kim said...
Do we know for sure that when Jacob visited Ilana in the Russian hospital it occurred in the past?
That would be just like D & C! She's hospitalized because of injuries in "the war" and he is miraculously reborn. (Maybe he can't be killed but BG doesn't know that.) Jacob's come to ask for Ilana's help in taking the Island back. He does apologize for not coming sooner. Hmm.
8) Jim
That would be just like D & C! She's hospitalized because of injuries in "the war" and he is miraculously reborn.
Agreed. Good thoughts.
And good thoughts, Miss Kim, on the "zombie season" because they DID joke about it quite furiously for a while (just as they did with time travel). You LOST me completely on the qualia stuff, but maybe after I take a gander at your wiki link, I will understand better!
And JiG, thanks for the code. I wouldn't have been able to figure that out, but it is a great idea and I implemented it. What other code do you have up your sleeve?
: ) P
PJSander said...
What other code do you have up your sleeve?
Nothing specific on my own right, but Doc mentioned http linking. Anything that's repetitive. I believe in letting computers do my work for me, even when the work is fun!
L4E! Where are you!? I just realized we haven't had a post from you since May 5th!
Yooo hooo?! Where are you?!
: ) P
Jim in Georgia said...
Miss Kim said...
Do we know for sure that when Jacob visited Ilana in the Russian hospital it occurred in the past?
That would be just like D & C! She's hospitalized because of injuries in "the war" and he is miraculously reborn. (Maybe he can't be killed but BG doesn't know that.) Jacob's come to ask for Ilana's help in taking the Island back. He does apologize for not coming sooner. Hmm.
8) Jim
I LOVE THIS!!! Good thinking as always Tillies! This could explain where next season is going - the war. Jacob isn't down for the count - I KNEW IT!!! :)
New post is up. Not very exciting, but it is a new week *g*. Funny how Wednesday marks the weeks here, eh?
: ) P
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