Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Event - And Recent Randomness

For those watching "The Event" - feel free to post here. We have it on TiVo, just haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Last night, I was flipping around and came across an episode of "Without a Trace" in which Jacob was holding Keamy hostage. Of course, I had to watch the rest of the episode, even though I really didn't know what was going on. What is funny is that it seemed familiar to me, so I may have done the same thing several years ago - although at the time, I only recognized Kevin Durand, because Mark Pellegrino had not yet appeared on LOST.

More randomness: when I went to IMDB to look up how to spell Mark Pellegrino's name, I discovered that he only appeared in SIX episodes. Sounds crazy, right? I would have guessed it was a lot more. Other six episoders: Anthony Cooper, Roger Linus, Carmen Reyes (all main characters' parents), Zach, Emma and a character named Jason, whom I did not recognize. Looking at LOSTpedia, I see that the actor (Ariston Green) appeared six times, but not always as the same character. I think the IMDB data entry people were getting lazy!


PJSander said...

My LOST encyclopedia arrived today! Woooo hoooo!

: ) P

Hammer said...

PJ, let me know if he ency. is worth grabbing.

So far, I like THE EVENT. I like that there are mysteries and that they give answers quickly without giving everything away. Weird because I liked LOST for the opposite reason. LOL.

Right now, the big answer I am looking for is: Why?

PJSander said...

The encyclopedia is SO worth it, IMO. 400 pages, 10 x 12.5", hardcover. Awesome sauce, as my sons would say. Cover price is $45. I paid $26 on Amazon.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Thanks PJ.

PJSander said...

Upon looking carefully, I have found a number of pages (about 15, plus a cover page) with tears at the top! I am returning it for a replacement. Normally, I wouldn't care, but this is a keepsake kind of thing, in addition to being informative.

: ) P

Shelley said... first i thought you meant "tears" as in TEERZ. it amused me. but yeah...i'd prolly return it too! (after leaving tears AND tears!)

Jim in Georgia said...

I, too, am enjoying "The Event." It's not "Lost," but what is? The revelation of the familial relationship (I'm trying to be subtle here) this past Monday was something else. I'd like to explore that one, but I don't want to spoil. I also liked the reference to the guy in the midwest; ya gotta watch to get the link.

I think the worst performance is by Sarah Roemer (Leila Buchanan).

Interesting that Paula Malcomson from "Caprica" showed up. That one has been cancelled. SyFy aired four episodes on Tuesdays in October (vice Fridays) with little fanfare, complained about low ratings and rescheduled the airing of the final five episodes until the first quarter of 2011 (they say). Meanwhile they continue to air wrestling matches. I don't know what "SyFy" means, but it ain't "SciFi."

I saw the Lost Encyclopedia at Books-a-Million a few days ago and I was a little "underwhelmed" based on just scanning through it. I decided I am glad I cancelled my order when Amazon had trouble shipping. Maybe someone will give as copy to our local library.

8) Jim