Monday, June 28, 2010

The Substitute - The Post LOST Watch

Even though *I* can't rewatch, I will continue to post each episode's thread so that anyone who chooses to, can discuss the episodes as you rewatch. Just remember to check back now and again to see if anyone else has posted to the thread.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What Kate Does - The Post LOST Watch

Revisit episode three and discuss your opinions of how you view it differently, knowing what you now know.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

LA X - The Post LOST Watch

What will be SO obvious now that we know about what the "flash sideways" really were? What will still confuse us? What questions are we still asking? What makes sense now? Post your thoughts.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tillie Rewatch

Okay Tillies, we survived "The End" and are recovering. We've discussed a "rewatch" of the entire series, and of just season 6. By all means, continue to talk about the finale, but let's take an informal poll as well.

Choose from the following and post your answer:

a) I want to rewatch from the beginning of the series

b) I want to rewatch from the beginning of season six

c) I want to rewatch from the beginning of season six and THEN watch from the beginning of the series

d) I don't mind, whatever the group decides

3) I am not interested in rewatching anything as a group.

If you answered a, b, c, or d, then please choose the answer to the next question.

a) I will be able to watch and comment on one episode a week.

b) I will be able to watch and comment on two episodes a week.

c) I don't mind how many episodes, whatever the group decides.

d) I won't be able to stop at just one or two episodes, but I will comment on the episodes as the group decides.

Thanks, Tillies!