Tuesday, March 24, 2009

He's Our You

Not much research to be done, so I thought, for fun, I'd analyze the sentence!

Assuming for the time being that this is, in fact, a sentence (and not just PART of a sentence,) the information is as follows:

This is a simple declarative sentence.

He's - contraction of he is using an apostophe and uppercase H.
* he - the third person singular masculine personal pronoun
the subject of the sentence

* is - the third person singular present tense form of the verb to be
the predicate of the sentence

our - the first person plural possessive adjective, modifying the word you

you - the second person singular (presumably - could be plural) personal pronoun
the subject complement

followed by a period to end the sentence.

Bored, yet? LOL.

: ) P


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Rita said...

I guess you're right JinG!

Any thoughts about WHH?
I am starting to think that if WHH, then we should look at these "past" episodes as "flash-backs". If WHH, then THIS is what happened. I hope they bring Daniel back for this ep.

PJSander said...

I just hope the idea of WHH is *settled* once and for all this week!

: ) P

PJSander said...

Hey Julie! LTNS. Sorry you are so crazy at work, but glad you have time to check in!

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

Rita said...

I guess you're right JinG!

Any thoughts about WHH?
I am starting to think that if WHH, then we should look at these "past" episodes as "flash-backs". If WHH, then THIS is what happened. I hope they bring Daniel back for this ep.

Nothing on WHH concept other than my thing about the French and Jin. Same basic idea applies to the Army Camp and Locke and party. If Locke and his crew hadn't shown up, maybe someone would have said, "Hey, let's bury this thing in concrete!"

I can not imagine an episode entitled WHH without Daniel.

8) Jim

Circus Mom said...

Just sat down to do some beading and stuck in a season 1 DVD. Watched Jack save Boone and not Joanne.

So, Book was supposed to die that day and him dieing when the plane crushed his leg was a course correction?

The episode was about Jack making the wrong decisions and he saw Christian immediatly afterward.

I don't know, maiby?

Liz S said...

Hi, All!!
Just a few minutes before work grabs me, but I wanted to say kudos, how mature it was for PJ, Hammer, Rita & CMom to post so calmly on TBI. How do things get so crazy for no good reason?!?!? I guess if we knew that we'd be able to solve the world's problems.

Thanks, Rita, for the kind words on my Over There post #270--I think both Jack and Sayid have gone through this process of having their souls pared down, stripped away of their previous ideas about themselves, and have reached their personal darkest moments--empty of hubris, if you will.

Maybe now they are open to 'The Island' or to their higher purpose or whatever you might call it.

I could take this all back in a flash, but I think it's part of the Hero's journey to have to face the darkest bits of your self, and then you emerge on the other side of it, ready to face your greatest challenge.

That's what I'm hoping for these characters! LOL, we'll see what actually happens, tho.

PJSander said...

I think it's part of the Hero's journey to have to face the darkest bits of your self, and then you emerge on the other side of it, ready to face your greatest challenge.

I think you are right, Liz. Clearly, Sawyer has done this. Juliet, too, I think. Sayid is going through it, and I hope Jack, too. For me, the jury is out on Sun. But it wouldn't surprise me (based on nothing but pure conjecture) if Hurley turns out to be the TRUE hero in this story, if ONLY because of the AMAZING rush of emotion I had when he barreled through the camp in the DHARMA van.

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

PJSander said...


But it wouldn't surprise me (based on nothing but pure conjecture) if Hurley turns out to be the TRUE hero in this story, if ONLY because of the AMAZING rush of emotion I had when he barreled through the camp in the DHARMA van.

: ) P

There's also that tiny fact about Hurley being able to see the cabin...

8) Jim

PJSander said...

Well I have decided to post on TBI. Since I am reading there anyway, it seems silly NOT to post, and I don't want the grumpy people to think they've chased me away.

I hope that our "new" folks will stick around, though. It is nice to have some fresh input!

: ) P

lost4ever said...

Charlie went through it to LizS and look what happened to him. He died. Sayid may also be near the end of his journey. When I saw it was his FB, the first FB in awhile, I though he was doomed.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lost4ever said...

TBI is getting down right rude again. JIG is the victim of the latest personal attack by someone who is obviously using more than one blogname. Is there a way to contact the administrators and have this person booted or at least uncovered?

PJSander said...

L4E, obviously I don't know for sure, but I *think* that might have been DocH pulling JiG's leg (I believe they are "friends" outside of this blog). It reads like DocH's writing.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Yeah, and he seems to be agreeing. My first thought was it was harsh, but I am leaning towards what PJ is thinking.

BTW, they don't always answer emails, but you can email the blog owners.

PJSander said...

FWIW, L4E, I am not sure the blog-owners need to get involved. I expect there will be a little more nastiness from the dissenters and then things will return to normal. However, if you feel strongly about it, their email address is at the top of the page on the right hand side.

: ) P

Circus Mom said...

I think (hope) our return will bring things back to normal. Funny how we were accused of being bullies and when we left the real bullies took over. There are probably only one or two posting with different names. I hope the REAL newbees stay.

lost4ever said...

You may be right. I have been LOST with a touch of cabin fever lately, but it seems it recently disappeared.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hammer said...

Hmmmm. I guess we'll be taking our lumps now. LOL.

JIG, gets attacked for being on TLI...sorry 'bout that.

Jim in Georgia said...

Shall we keep a record?

"Jim NOT in Georgia (therefore have not married my cousin and or sibling)" may be the longest Internet blogging name in the history of the sport.

Poor guy. He has also confused Georgia with... No, I won't go there; there are forty-nine candidates.

Jeff Foxworthy this guy ain't!

8) Jim

Hammer said...

LOL, Jim.

PJSander said...

Nope. I'd fess up to it if it was mine. But itsnot.

Sorry, DocH. I guess I was *hoping* it was someone JiG knew an inside joke. I sort of understand someone lashing out when they think they've been wronged (though I stand by the idea that we've not wronged anyone). However, other than being new to both TLI and TBI, JiG has done NOTHING wrong!

Sorry, JiG. I guess you're being accused of being elite by association. (Still, I can think of worse things! LOL)

: ) P

Jim in Georgia said...

PJSander said...


(Still, I can think of worse things! LOL)

: ) P

So can I, PJ, so can I! I couldn't resist; I copied my Foxworthy post to TBI

8) Jim

Hammer said...

Looks like Tito has your back...hopefully a new poster!

Rita said...

Wow what a weird week this has been! Unbelievable. But at least some great new little islanders have arrived! Thanks for the kind words Liz S!

I hope you're right CM that things should settle down now that we are "back" on TBI. I agree that we are "damned if we do and damned if we don't" - we were accused of being bullies before we "left", and then the real bullies took over and villified us, for .... I'm a little vague on that part I guess.

JinG, I loved your comment about Jeff Foxworthy! Funny. :)

I too hope the newbies on TBI stick around, and our newbies here as well. SES, katesFriend, flgrl, where are you? (If I forgot anyone, I didn't mean to! Post again and remind me who you are!)

Rita said...

Londonboy said:
I don’t mind admitting that I missed the likes of Hammer and PJ and Circus Mom while they were away. I don’t always agree with their theories but I thought that was the point of this place. Plus, again as an Englishman, I can’t help missing PJ’s politeness and evenhandedness (and that’s a very ugly sentence for a journalist by profession). I’m also glad Frank stuck around as he makes a lot of good points too on these eps. I’m all for the love (but don’t tell the wife).

Kinds words for some little islanders - and I concur PJ, Hammer, and Circus Mom!

PJSander said...

Tasha too! And Trixanna and Julie, though they are not new, but we don't get to hear from them as often.

: ) P

PJSander said...

For those people who are *new* to the "little island" - in case you AREN'T still reading on TBI, (where I posted this information a few minutes ago) I will tell you that the reason we all 'disappeared' on Wednesday night was part of a long planned April Fools joke. Since a few people on TBI are getting their feelings hurt, we decided to put the AF prank to bed. (If you want to see what we did, it is on the Whisperers thread, starting around comment 80.)

I hope that those of you who ARE legitimately interested in THIS blog will stick around. If not, I wish you well.

: ) P

katesFriend said...

Ok, so I'm a little confused: Kudos to everyone who was planning the April Fools joke - you guys are awesome and that would have been hilarious!

But, is there really no new DWY email/game? I was so disappointed that I didn't sign up over the summer b/c it seemed you guys were getting some extra info!

Also, I'm a third year law student so I have to try to get all my work done before Wednesday so I can enjoy LOST and hang you with you folks the rest of the weekend. This is why I can't post much during the beginning of the week! I do plan to keep reading/posting here on TLI though!

PJSander said...

Hi katesFriend,

Yup, nope, no new DWY game, that was all part of our ruse! Sorry to disappoint you!

You're a law student! You must be working VERY hard to get everything done early in the week. I guess for you, having LOST only last for four and a half months is a GOOD thing! LOL.

FWIW, we've remained relatively active on this blog, even during the hiatus. We do little trivia questions and bring up things on past episodes if we notice something new while re-watching. I hope you'll stick around with us.

: ) P

katesFriend said...

Hi PJ! I will definitely stick around! Truthfully, sometimes Wednesdays and you guys are the only thing that gets me through the stress of law school! Unfortunately, I think I may be the only LOST-obsessed in my school; and, my boyfriend gave up after Season 3 (I still haven't forgiven him :)

But, FWIW, I really appreciate you guys welcoming me in and will comment as much as possible!

Rita said...

Glad to see you back katesFriend! Sadly, most of us are the only LOST-obsessed in our little worlds, and we must retreat here for our LOST "fix"!

We will be wanting to pick your "lawyer brain" for ideas and theories - as often as you are able to join us here. :)

I WISH there had REALLY been cool new information via DWY! I guess the joke was on us!

Rita said...

Note to the new "little islanders": Tomorrow PJ will put up a new thread for the new episode. Be sure to jump over there to stay with us!

Jim in Georgia said...

I posted this to TBI by mistake:

May I add a long-range teaser “before we go” to WHH? Way back in “Pilot, Part 2″ Rousseau’s radio message included the statement, “Brennan took the keys.” What keys? Something like those metal things in my pocket? Or was she talking about crypto keys, the data or software used to encrypt/encode messages. After all, she was talking about a radio station.

Just a thought,

8) Jim

katesFriend said...

[quote]May I add a long-range teaser “before we go” to WHH? Way back in “Pilot, Part 2″ Rousseau’s radio message included the statement, “Brennan took the keys.” What keys? Something like those metal things in my pocket? Or was she talking about crypto keys, the data or software used to encrypt/encode messages. After all, she was talking about a radio station.

Just a thought,

8) Jim

Hmmm... What keys could she possibly have cared about at that point? Did they live in Dharma buildings for a while? Keys to a boat? (Do boats have keys? ;)

Thanks for the kind words rita! Look forward to having my brain picked!

katesFriend said...

Oops, Sorry :) I guess the [quote] things don't work here!

How do I get the italicized type?

PJSander said...

Yeah, we don't have the cool quote and reply feature here, sorry!

To get italics, you use an i inside the triangle brackets (those are found above the comma and the period) BEFORE what you want in italics and a backslash (under the question mark) then an i inside those same brackets at the end.

I can't SHOW you the symbols because they will be interpreted by the blog. So pretend that the brackets I am using below are the triangle ones.


[i]everything here would be in italics[/i]

and everything here is not.

Or you could just cut and paste and put

- - - - - - -


: ) P

Tasha said...

I just realized I hadn't read anything past post 200 on this blog. I didn't hit the NEWEST tab. Anyway, I will be looking for a new thread here tommorow. With all the confusion and April Fool's jokes going on, lol, I haven't really been able to keep up too much. Hopfully next week I can really get into this. If I don't start watching the blog at first, I can't keep up, which is why I didn't have anything to do with the thread for Namaste on TBI. I am sorry if this has been posted eiher here or in the past 5 seasons. I have seen the discussions about the Wizard of Oz and the connection with LOST. Has anyone ever discussed the parable of Oz and Populism. I believe that was what the story was written about but then later heard it was a rumor. Anyway, just wanted to throw that in there.

Jim in Georgia said...

katesFriend said...


What keys could she possibly have cared about at that point? Did they live in Dharma buildings for a while? Keys to a boat? (Do boats have keys? ;)

I don't know what keys she would've cared about. For the longest time, I figured that Brennan took the keys to some building, like the commo shack at the base of the tower. Takes me back to the crypt key thing; the reference may be too obscure for the general population. Keys to a boat? Sure, why not; that how you control property. If, for no other reason, you have kids running around, you don't want them to get in trouble.

Eleven and one-half hours...

8) Jim

Tasha said...

Hey! Did I miss something about the keys? I don't remember that. Can you point me in the direction cause that is really interesting! With this show, I would think it is not your average set of keys!!

Jim in Georgia said...

Tasha said...

Hey! Did I miss something about the keys? I don't remember that. Can you point me in the direction cause that is really interesting! With this show, I would think it is not your average set of keys!!

Did I open a can of worms? (grin) Waaay back in the Pilot, the survivors heard Rousseau's "mayday" message that included the bit in French about "Brennan took the keys." If this really matters, it will qualify for the "Event to Lie Unnoticed the Longest" award!

8) Jim

Tasha said...

I never heard that part. Was it something we didn't hear and was just in there? Did someone else interpret it or can I go back and watch it?

Jim in Georgia said...

Tasha said...

I never heard that part. Was it something we didn't hear and was just in there? Did someone else interpret it or can I go back and watch it?

The "hearable" part was in French. Go Here:


for an English translation.

8) Jim

Tasha said...

Awesome. Thx!

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