Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry?

This week's episode is entitled The Little Prince. My mind immediately jumped to the beautiful children's book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. In it, there are some definite parallels to our LOST world, as well as a few pertinent messages.

But I thought I should explore other possible meanings. I spent quite a while on google and really, didn't find any.

So I guess we will just have to wait and see if our predictions about the story are true. Not that they EVER are!

: ) P


Anonymous said...

Rita here, reporting for duty!! Can't WAIT until tonight! SO GLAD I HAVE A BETTER ISLAND TO HANG OUT ON!!! (Too crowded, and well, weird at times on the big island) Bring on Le Petit Prince (sorry, I just always think of it in French). Speaking of French, maybe our French connected title forbodes our French lady's story. (Rousseau of course, but then YOU all knew that because this is the little island!)

Lindsay said...

Oh I hope we get to learn more about Rousseau tonight, I was sad we never got to hear her backstory...maybe since we're skipping through time so much now, the losties will meet up with her and her crew?

Also, PJ, do you watch Chuck on Mondays? Dominic Monaghan was on there this week as a rock star ala Charlie Pace, and it made me think of you!

How many more hours?!?!

ESB said...

it's Wednesday again...SWEET! I hope that the Oceanic 6 are re-united tonight...;)

lost4ever said...

Thanks for concurring DocH. Locke is easily duped being a "man of faith." Maybe a little too much faith. A healthier balance of faith and science may have gotten him the island leadership.

I forgot about the LOST fantasy league. Good thing I won my football one and $1200. That will help ease the pain of my poor early season predictions.

Like Hammer, I am also not much of a reader, and I do appreciate the knowledge that you all have.

It sounds to me like I am missing ALOT not participating in the big island. Hopefully I can change that soon.

lost4ever said...

I enjoy some of the guesses on the last thread as to who "The Little Prince" is. I am going to throw mine out there, Richard Alpert. I am not too good at guessing as reflected in my LOST fantasy league scores. Although I did get Widmore being the old timey army guy right a few weeks ago.

Was Sayid's Nadia royalty? Maybe they had a son and that would make him a "Little Prince.

PJSander said...

Ooh, I like it L4E (and welcome back!).

Actually, I am not sure you ARE missing all that much on the big island, but you'll have to read it for sure to tell for yourself! LOL

: ) P

Anonymous said...
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ESB said...

i know it's the obvious choice, but i think the Little Prince is going to be a reference to Aaron...mainly just because last week didn't deal with the Oceanic 6 at all so, i think this week we'll be checking in with them again...also, i think we're about due to get a little more information about why Aaron is so special...regardless ,i hope tonight is as good as last week because i still think Jughead was an excellent episode...;)

Hammer said...

ESB said...
i know it's the obvious choice, but i think the Little Prince is going to be a reference to Aaron...mainly just because last week didn't deal with the Oceanic 6 at all so, i think this week we'll be checking in with them again...also, i think we're about due to get a little more information about why Aaron is so special...regardless ,i hope tonight is as good as last week because i still think Jughead was an excellent episode...;)

February 4, 2009 3:24 PM

Not saying you are wrong. But it's possible that if this episode is about the O6, than it may also have Locke all over it. He did 'die' to get them back....

Hammer said...

Staying off the big island for this one:

PJ, using your 'encyclopedia', do you think it's possible for our Losties to have found Adam and Eve AND they are someone who is still alive?

Adam and Eve = Jacob and X ?

ESB said...

Can't argue with that at all Hammer...either way, i can't wait to get off work, go home and find out...;)

are they replaying Jughead before this weeks episode?

Lindsay said...

yes, we do get a repeat of jughead before the little prince! i'm assuming it will be enhanced as well since they did that last week so hopefully it will be a good one! only five more hours!!

ESB said...


PJSander said...

Hammer said: PJ, using your 'encyclopedia', do you think it's possible for our Losties to have found Adam and Eve AND they are someone who is still alive?

If we use "alive" in quotation marks, I think it is highly likely that Adam and Eve are people we have seen on screen. My thought is that it is more about the Whispering Others (Alpert, Christian? Mrs. Hawking?) than someone we actually KNOW to be alive. The bones can be there but the spirits can be up and about, YKWIM?

I think that would rule out any of our original O815'ers (save Christian) unless one or more of them have ALWAYS been a Whispering Other undercover (Libby?), and I would imagine it rules out Penny and Desmond.

Conjecture and speculation, but don't we LOSTiphiles LIVE on that? LOL

: ) P

Anonymous said...

I suspect that Adam and Eve will turn out to be at least one of the LOSTies who was there when they were found - to come full circle so to speak. Whomever it is found themselves , not just someone .

Anonymous said...

And PJ, YES we LOST obsessed love conjecture and speculation - we thrive on it!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Welcome DocH.

Anonymous said...

I think I may be even worse than you DocH! My married daughter calls during commercials (yes, she is watching LOST!) and we scream together with our I KNEW IT moments, and hang up on each other the moment the show comes back on. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO SPEAK DURING THE SHOW. NO PHONE CALL WILL BE TAKEN (unless it is my daughter calling during commercials). If anyone is hurt, they are on their own until the show is over. Not even sure I would call 911 until the commercial. My name is Rita and I am a LOST-aholic. I may need help but right now I DON'T CARE. :)

ESB said...

haha, you guys are funny....;)
here's interesting trivia from Lostpedia (just for fun):

Aaron, nicknamed "Turniphead" by Charlie.

* In the 2004 Japanese anime film Howl's Moving Castle, the character Turniphead (who is a scarecrow) turns out to be a missing prince who was under a witch's spell.

coincidence or voodoo? you decide...;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

On the opening song last week, Shotgun Willie. I went out and bought the CD and have been rescearching and found this interesting and fun.

Anonymous said...

I like it ESB.

Hammer said...

HEY! I think you just said that my theories suck
DocH said...

The older girls fear me the most... afraid that they might offer any theory that sounds remotely like a Hammer theory.

February 4, 2009 5:30 PM

Hi, my name is Matt Hammer and I am a LOST - aholic.

Hammer said...

PJSander said...

Conjecture and speculation, but don't we LOSTiphiles LIVE on that? LOL

: ) P

February 4, 2009 4:46 PM

Thanks. I just wanted to see if we used your thought process how that would pan out....conjecture and speculation are our corner stones.

PJSander said...

Can I tell you guys how much I enjoy hanging out here!? You make me think. You make me laugh. You help me through the withdrawal symptoms that start to haunt me around midnight Tuesday. LOL.

: ) P

ESB said...


you all enjoy the show tonight and i'm looking forward to reading all your thoughts/theories/comments tomorrow...;)

Hammer said...

PJSander said...
Can I tell you guys how much I enjoy hanging out here!? You make me think. You make me laugh. You help me through the withdrawal symptoms that start to haunt me around midnight Tuesday. LOL.

: ) P

February 4, 2009 7:05 PM


Let the back patting begin!!!!!

I was just gonna repeat the same old sappy stuff I've said before.....we 'love' you too PJ.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

PJSander said...
Can I tell you guys how much I enjoy hanging out here!? You make me think. You make me laugh. You help me through the withdrawal symptoms that start to haunt me around midnight Tuesday. LOL.

: ) P

February 4, 2009 7:05 PM

Amen to that PJ!

Hammer said...

I was joshin' Doc, I forgot to put the :) at the end.

But really, you Carrot Top, me Eistein? Paaaalease, I wish I had half the credentials(see I can't even think of the correct word) that you have. I'm just a blue collar (from the D, yo) dude with a mediocre education sci-fi geek that was lucky enough to find this blog...then you fine folks.

You are the ladder (ha, ha get it? I wrote ladder instead of latter. :))

Lindsay said...

i'm right there with you. i make my daughter go to bed early and my husband plays with my son in another's sad!

Anonymous said...

Hammer said...
But really, you Carrot Top, me Eistein? Paaaalease, I wish I had half the credentials(see I can't even think of the correct word) that you have. I'm just a blue collar (from the D, yo) dude with a mediocre education sci-fi geek that was lucky enough to find this blog...then you fine folks

And then, you became the defacto leader of us all..... :)
Seriously Hammer, a compliment from you is worth gold to some of us just trying to play with the big kids.

Hammer said...

Hammer house LOST night rules:

13 year old daughter, get your Jonas Brothers lovin' butt out of the room and watch it in you room, 'cause you can't NOT talk for more than 30 seconds at a time.

11 year old son, sit next to me, your are the only one besides the cat that doens't drive me bonkers.

Wife, go watch in the other room, I can not answer questions every time the acts change....move it, move it, move it!!!!

Basset hound(named Diogi, get it? d-o-g?) get outside. He growls when he needs food, water, play time, potty breaks....outside!...Go!

Hammer said...

Very humbling Rita...very humbling...thanks.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hammer said...

Literally belly laughing at the livestock joke....holy sh&%!!!

As far as the short joke, my fellow softball coaches are 6'7" and 6'4"....and I....5'4"...5'6" with ball cap. You should see the photos. :)

PJSander said...

I love enhanced episodes - even if they reveal nothing to the LOSTiphiles... it just helps that last hour of waiting pass more pleasantly.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Watching Ellie had that M1 is like watching my 11 yr old try to handle a 12 ga. shot gun. Neither of them can shoulder it! :)

PJSander said...

Okay, so maybe this is nothing, but Widmore just pulled out an address book and gave Desmond the information to find Faraday's mother. An ADDRESS book, not a PDA, not a laptop, not a computer, but a book. Sounds a bit like our technology-averse friend Jacob, eh?

: ) P

Hammer said...

Still don't think he's Jacob, but from the same lineage?

PJSander said...

Right, not actually Jacob, but similar in some way.

What is Sun up to?

: ) P

Hammer said...

I still think she's trying to kill Ben. Looks like a package from Widmore with photos of Ben.

Miss Kim said...

I love you all too!! I'm here!! I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, the fake nurse dude may have had Kate's address in his pocket, but no way Kate hired him to get Sayid. What the heck?

Miss Kim said...

Later, when we have a little down time.....I don't know what kind of bullets/darts those things were. Are they the tranquilizer darts like before?

Hammer said...

I think he's was Ben's guy. Looks like he thought Sayid would fight going with Ben.

PJSander said...




And there was your Canton Ranier van from the photo over the summer, DocH! What was that an anagram for again?

: ) P

Hammer said...


PJSander said...

Okay, so we were right about Jin being inside the radius! Score one for the little island folk!

DH and I figured out that Carole was there for a settlement AND that Ben had set up the lawyers to flush out Kate, literally MOMENTS before it was revealed on the air! LOL.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Looks like Char, Miles, and Juliette haven't found a constant yet. The 815 folks have all seen someone from their past while traveling, but those three haven't.

Hammer said...

Good job PJ and DH, I had to have it thrown in my face before I saw that Ms. Littleton wasn't after Aaron.

PJSander said...

Well if Charlotte and (according to Daniel) Miles were FROM the island, maybe Juliet is too?

: ) P

Hammer said...

Yeah, PJ. Someone suggested she may be Annie and Ben knew it and is why he was smitten.

PJSander said...

Hmmm. So BEN knows that Juliet is Annie, but Juliet doesn't? So maybe kids who were on the island are fostered out and their memories erased? Hence Miles not remembering Dr. Chang/Candle/Halliwax/Wickman is his dad?

Not ready to go there, YET.


: ) P

Hammer said...

Me neither, but until we find out what's going on with Juliette, I guess it's open?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Looks like Rita was right with her Number 1 post...
Rita said:
Speaking of French, maybe our French connected title forbodes our French lady's story. (Rousseau of course, but then YOU all knew that because this is the little island!)

Good job Rita!

I love reading all of the comments here! You are all so smart!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that made sense, I couldn't post under Trixanna and somehow managed to get my name in the middle instead of the end of the post! Oops!

Miss Kim said...

I think Aaron was the Little Prince--he "left his home planet, (the Island) to see what the rest of the universe is like, and visits six other "asteroids" (numbered from 325 to 330) each of which is inhabited by an adult who is foolish in his own way."

Miss Kim said...

.....though I suppose, in a wy, so did Ben........Could be Ben is the Little Prince.......

Lindsay said...

So happy to see Jin and Rousseau, I totally called it when I saw the French writing on the wreckage.

So, do you think Jin is moving at the same time frame as the other Losties?

I figured Ben had hired the lawyer to scare Kate, it will be interesting to see what happens when Sun gets out of the car with the gun!!

Great episode!

Hammer said...

I am gonna assume that the Little Prince ref. WAS the book as a hint that we would see Rousseau as well as a ref. to Locke’s ongoing quest to ‘die’ to get back ‘home’…as suggested by other folks

Hammer said...

TXYorkFamily said...

So, do you think Jin is moving at the same time frame as the other Losties?

February 4, 2009 11:09 PM


Yeah, I offered this up (as some others did) early on when I suggested that the freighter was in the island's radius (horizontal), but the heli was not because the radius is not vertical.

PJSander said...

We need to find a way to let Sun know that Jin is okay!

(Yes, I do realize this is crazy, but it is how I feel!)

I do think that Jin is traveling in the same time loops as the other islanders. Didn't someone, Juliet maybe, stumble across stuff on the beach with French on it? Jaime from the big island said that one of those things said besixdoux, which means B612, which she said is the name of the Little Prince's asteroid.

: ) P

Hammer said...

I bet that Ben knows Jin is alive and when Sun get ready to give him some lead poison, she let's the cat out of the bag. It's how we her to go.

PJSander said...

Oh Hammer, I hope you are right!

: ) P

PJSander said...

Hmmm and that makes sense because except for Hurley, they are all there, and Ji Yeon is safely in Seoul (or so we believe). They can head to wherever they must go and wait for Ben to spring Hurley after the arraignment in the morning.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Bedtime for Bonzo.

Episode ponder point (with help from DocH from months ago):

The name on the van is Canton Ranier which is an anagram for reincarnation.

Is Locke really dead and going to be reincarnated on the island or faking his death?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

None of the 815ers have had nosebleeds yet - only the tots (except Daniel - yet). With the possible past island time they have all had, could it be that the LONGER you are on the island, the more susceptible you are to TD? That would explain why Desmond was the only one who had "side effects" on the helicopter, but of course, not why the other 2 (or 3 if you count Regina) freighter guys did (rats, theory blown already!)

Anonymous said...

Add Juliette to the nose bleed group (I had said only the tots a minute ago) - she has had significant island time too.

Anonymous said...

Another thought - we just met Montand of the soon-to-be-one-armed (Danielle called one of her group Montand)

Hammer said...

Rita said...
None of the 815ers have had nosebleeds yet - only the tots (except Daniel - yet). With the possible past island time they have all had, could it be that the LONGER you are on the island, the more susceptible you are to TD? That would explain why Desmond was the only one who had "side effects" on the helicopter, but of course, not why the other 2 (or 3 if you count Regina) freighter guys did (rats, theory blown already!)

February 5, 2009 6:50 AM


I mentioned before and still think this...for now:

The tots got TD because the freighter(Regina) and the zodiac(Minkowski) came into the island's radius off coord. 305 and therefore began time travel, albeit small. Des got TD by the heli being 'slightly' off course. Dan said it effects people differently and doesn't know why which explains why Lapidus didn't get it....yet.

Miles, Char, Juliette if I am correct, haven't encountered a constant on the island...yet. Dan has (Desmond), Sawyer has(Kate), Locke has(Richard) Jin has(Danielle).

ForeverLost said...

Would it be safe to assume that Jin is Rousseau's Constant? Is that why she didn't get the sickness? I feel like I'm missing a piece.

Hammer said...

DocH said...
Sidebar: Sawyer pining for Kate? (And the Grinches heart grew three sizes that day) Jater's standdown. Us Saw-Kat's are back in town.

February 5, 2009 12:20 AM

I'm starting to think that Jack's destiny doesn't involve Kate as his mate. Someone brought up the Science/Faith thing with Jack and Locke. Jack is moving towards the faith part, like Locke, who has no love interest.

Hammer said...

ForeverLost said...
Would it be safe to assume that Jin is Rousseau's Constant? Is that why she didn't get the sickness? I feel like I'm missing a piece.

February 5, 2009 8:33 AM

No, I proposed last night that she does get the sickness, it just didn't kill her, sort of like Dan's girl in the bed. It effects people differntly and 'can' be fatal. There is also the 'vaccine' that we've seen, maybe she was given that so they could take Alex...ala Claire/Aaron.

ESB said...

just read all the guys are time for theories from me, BUT i do want to say that I thought last nights episode was very cool...this is shaping up to be an AWESOME season...everything happening quickly and seeming to rush towards a climax...LOVE IT! next week should be GOOD...;)

one thing tho, if Ben hired the lawyer to scare Kate back onto the island...doesn't make much sense to fess up about it yet, does it?

also, LOVED seeing Jin (i was one of those 'Jin is still alive!' people) and awesome to see a young Rousseau...;)

ESB said...

ps-i was hoping to see LAOGE (little-angry-other-girl-Ellie) again, haha (for some reason i dig her) but otherwise not a single complaint...;)

PJSander said...

LOL ESB. I was referring to Ellie (in my mind) as LABOG (lay-bog) for Little Angry Blonde Other Girl.

I think Rousseau COULD be Jin's constant. So far, everyone without a nosebleed has encountered someone on the island that they already knew.

But here is where I am confused. Juliet asked (in Latin) if Richard Alpert was with young Widmore's group. But during the Ben/Juliet/Goodwin days, Richard and the Whisperer Others were ALWAYS very separate from the New Otherton Others. Did we ever see Juliet and Richard together in a scene during that time period?

If not, that sort of supports the idea that Juliet is more knowledgeable about the island than we have been led to believe. However, I think the nosebleed kind of shoots down my theory that she might be a whispering other (like Alpert and possibly Christian).

So, anyone remember a time when Juliet and Alpert were together? Ever?

: ) P

lost4ever said...

I too loved the episode and think Hammer is onto something with the nosebleeds and the constants. I didnt get the title but if it was the "French Connection", then that makes sense.

Juliet is awesome. I love how she had control over Sawyer. Hurley didn't look too good in the orange jumpsuit.

Funniest part for me was "Thank you God"...FLASH...."I take that back."

Why on earth were there no subtitles for the 45-second French scene when they encountered Jin?

Who are these "Other others"?

Is Airja airways the means of transportation by Ben and the others to and from the island or is there another plane crash in the future that we have not yet seen?

Hammer said...

Holy crap PJ....Alpert recuited her to the island. LOL.

PJSander said...

L4E said: Why on earth were there no subtitles for the 45-second French scene when they encountered Jin?

I don't know. But what I will tell you is that I don't think they were French (or French-Canadian) actors. It has been a LONG time since I was with Franco-phones, but that was pretty awful French, IMO.

Is Airja airways the means of transportation by Ben and the others to and from the island or is there another plane crash in the future that we have not yet seen?

Ooooh, I like it.

: ) P

PJSander said...

Wait, "Oooh I like it" doesn't make sense in response to what you wrote, L4E. Sorry, didn't read the whole thing before I answered! LOL.

I like the idea that Ajira is how the O6 return to the island. I guess it could be a future crash, yes.

So the camp was "back" and trashed. But since all the islanders traveled in time (and many lost their lives), who or what found the camp and used it? Maybe it was an Ajira crash and those survivors used the camp. Maybe the O6 used the camp while they were waiting for Sawyer et al to time jump BACK? Oops, I think I just confused myself.

: ) P

lost4ever said...

So the "Other others" could have been the O6

PJSander said...

Hammer said: Holy crap PJ....Alpert recuited her to the island. LOL.


Whoops! Thanks, Hammer. Okay, next question. Has Juliet seen Alpert ON the island?

: ) P

Hammer said...

PJ said:

So, anyone remember a time when Juliet and Alpert were together? Ever?

: ) P

February 5, 2009 11:33 AM


Holy crap PJ....Alpert recuited Juliette to the island. LOL.

Hammer said...

Ooof, now I have to research PJ...

Hammer said...

Sorry about the repost.

The only thing I have found is when Mikhail linked up Alpert when he was boadcasting the video of Rachael and her son for Juliette.

Other than that, I think we can safely assume that even though we haven't seen them together on film, that they are both Others and know each other well.

I'll keep looking.

lost4ever said...

I also think we can safely assume they know each other on the island as in last week's episode Juliet said "he's always been here," when referring to him.

PJSander said...

L4E said: I also think we can safely assume they know each other on the island as in last week's episode Juliet said "he's always been here," when referring to him.

I agree. This is why I want to know if they have seen each other on the island. Otherwise, how does she KNOW he has been there forever? What HAVEN'T we seen about her backstory!?

Don't work too hard at the research, Hammer. I can research too... I just wondered if anyone knew it OtTotH.

: ) P

ESB said...

...was reading back thru the coments and just wanted to say that i love the idea that Ajira Airways is how the O6 get back, REALLY love the idea that in some time travel sorta way, that's why the others (with Kate & Sawyer;) were building the runway...but i can't imagine that the people shooting at Sawyer, Juliette, Daniel, etc., were the who the heck were they? and i still can't figure out why Ben would admit to Kate that he was behind the lawyer BEFORE he got her back to the island...unusual bad timing on his part in my opinion...

gonna watch the episode again tonight and see if i missed anything...;)

lost4ever said...

I wish we had more of her island backstory too. She had some kind of Jedi mind-trick over Sawyer. Everything she said, he did.

I wondered that too, ESB, would the O6 be shooting at them? Only if Ben told them it was the hostiles. There was definitley something weird about that scene.

ESB said...

okay, so maybe it's the original others shooting at Sawyer & CO., and there was an Ajira airlines water bottle on the boat because they have already had some contact with the O6...or maybe it is the O6 or the others, but WAY in the future...did the camp look freshly abandoned or long abandoned...i couldn't really tell...

i'm jazzed to watch it again tonight...AFTER my 2 1/2 year old is in bed...;)

PJSander said...

My guess is that the people who were shooting were New Otherton Others - you know, before they knew who the LOSTies were. The ones who kidnapped Walt and Claire, who shot first and asked questions later.

: ) P

Hammer said...

You have a good point there. I don't really think it's the O6, but at this point, I do think it's the 'future' because of the water bottle. So gonna go back to it being more of Widmore's folks (maybe following the O6 back and knowing where the island is....again).

ESB said...

seems like if it's in the future and it's Widmore's folks, they would have a more modern way of travel...speed-boats or jet-skies or hover-craft or something, haha ;)

Hammer said...

New podcast is out.

Kudos on the book ref. folks, they confirmed it.

More stuff if you are interested in things being 'confirmed'.

lost4ever said...

Thanks Hammer!

Unless they didn't want to make any noise ESB. Sneak-attack.

ESB said...

aha! good point L4E...;)

PJSander said...

Well, and remember that "future" to the islanders (Sawyer, et al) is really somewhere in the past three years to the O6'ers. The jump where they found their camp trashed could have been anytime after early 2005 and up to (and beyond) early 2008.

: ) P

ESB said...

hmmm, another good point...

Hammer said...

Great point P, that leaves it even more wide open.

Hammer said...

The more I think about it, the island can jump to anywhere in that three year time frame, but probabally not into the 'true' future....right? before the O6 actually come back?

Hammer said...

Damn it...I mean AFTER the O6 come back, not BEFORE.

Hammer said...

Vodcast is out too. They talk to Kim about him knowing all along he wasn't dead.

Also, they confirm there will be more smoke monster this season.

Hammer said...


Bobola has some nice comments for you and me in the Numbers thread. I'm gonna ignore them. I hoped that the owners of the blog would be monitoring better, but oh well.

PJSander said...

Yeah, I saw Bobola's comment to me. I choose not to respond. I see he's now after you. Again, I think it best not to engage him.

I chose not to reply to him on the main thread either. Though I DID reply to someone else's reply. Probably shouldn't have done that even!

: ) P

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsay said...

Could it be possible that it is the O6 (or some of them) that are on the outrigger that were shooting at Locke and crew? I think so, I think that they return to the island via Aljira airlines somehow and land on the little island and then some or all of them return to the big island via outrigger. If Ben is on the outrigger (or even if he's not I guess) he could be telling them to shoot knowing that it's Locke and crew and that they can shoot but they'll miss (like Sawyer shooting at Widmore) and that they need to shoot at them to keep them away until the next flash. Maybe he was trying to scare them away because for some reason they can't interact yet with each other...? Of course it's all speculation but it's what I think could be possible...?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PJSander said...

Okay, DocH, you've piqued my interest! What's your theory? (As long as it is theory and not spoiler - I know how you like those Hawaii blog sites! LOL)

: ) P

ESB said...

sorry, but i just can't think of any reason that O6 would be shooting at anyone...especially if the people were running away and especially if the O6 was coming back to try and save the people they left behind...i just can't think of anything that makes sense of the people shooting at Sawyer & Co being the i missing something? it's gotta be either some version of others or Widmore people...right? sheesh, i'm second guessing myself now...;)

Anonymous said...

PJSander said...
... on the beach with French on it? Jaime from the big island said that one of those things said besixdoux, which means B612, which she said is the name of the Little Prince's asteroid.

: ) P

February 4, 2009 11:14 PM

Here's my "burning" question: who writes designations on equipment as besixdoux or in English besixtwelve rather than B-612? If it was an attempt to reference the book without being overly obvious, it just strikes me as a bit odd!
LOVED THE EPISODE, and am still processing!

Anonymous said...

I thought the beach camp looked LONG abandoned, so the flash would have put them into the future at some point. I don't think that with all the redshirts still alive pre-island move, there ever was a time when NO ONE AT ALL was in the camp. Also, Ajiri Airlines hadn't visited them at any time that I recall, since the camp was formed. Has to be future, sometime between the island-move (IM) to the Return of the King (oops, I mean Prince!)

lost4ever said...

The only O6er I can't imagine firing a gun is Aaron and maybe Hurley. Sayid, Kate, Jack, and Sun have all fired weapons.

I'm not saying I believe it is the O6 chasing them, in fact, I think it was Richard's people who didn't travel with Locke through time for some reason. Just how far into the future was that FLASH, I have no idea. Unless I missed something, it could be anytime.

ESB said...

i gotcha...and i am definitely not saying that the O6 aren't capable of shooting guns, haha...i just don't think the O6 would shoot at some people who were obviously 'running' away from them and hadn't done anything more aggressive than steal an outrigger...especially when for all they know there is a chance they would/could be shooting at Sawyer or Juliet or even Claire...i mean, isn't the point, for SOME of them anyways, to help the people they left behind? hmm, well i guess they'll shine a light on that when they're good and ready...;)

PJSander said...

Anyone else (who visits the big island) think that duke and Bobola might be one and the same?

He was mud-slinging about a theory that Hammer, Techlost and I were mulling over. No need to re-hash, but duke's reason why our theory had holes was full of holes itself. So I called him on it (politely, I might add!). He then replied that I proved his point. (Hello? NO, I DISproved it.) Since people like that generally can't STAND it when people are super-sweet, I told him I was glad to help. sheesh!


: ) P

ESB said...

sorry, i should've said:
"sorry, but i just can't think of any reason that the O6 would be shooting at anyone -In This Situation-...especially if the people were..."

my bad...;)

ESB said...

unfortunately the Big Island isn't as friendly as it used to be...and i get enough of that kind of arguing on the sports blogs...that's one of the reasons i like it here so much better...everyone is civil and respectful and, well nice...even when we disagree...lots less stress...;)

Hammer said...

ESB, this is our 'fail safe', just come here and 'turn the key' and we end up naked in the jungle....I'm crackin' myself up.

It just sucks 'cause the big island has been a home of sort for a few years for me....not afraid of moving to a new home...just saying.

Hammer said...

DocH said...
If I say 'comet' - what does that mean, in context, for this week or last?

L-Prince show?
L-Prince book?

Just some quick words to help me focus.

(I think I have something) (BIG)

February 5, 2009 5:19 PM


I think comet or asteroid is the island...

Now come on Carrot Top, out with it!!

Hammer said...

PJSander said...
Anyone else (who visits the big island) think that duke and Bobola might be one and the same?


: ) P

February 5, 2009 7:56 PM


If not one in same, def. from the same cave man blood line.

duke obviously listened to the podcast, THEN realized my theory was inaccurate. At least when I find info, and let a person know about it, I credit how I found out.

Sheeesh(to quote a friend).

Anonymous said...

I think Bobola is probably an acronym for something.... How about B-Big
OK, that was my nice version! Seriously, it's comments like his (and a few others) that make the big island an unfriendly and unsafe place to hang out - especially for timid newbies who may be tiresome to us obsessed, but have a right to be there. Thanks for trying to defend them PJ and Hammer, useless as it is.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hammer said...

I've decided that instead of responding to that pair, I'm going to submit the geekiest theories I can come up with to ire Bobo and get a little carried away to ire duke.

No harm in that, right?

Hammer said...

DocH, good luck in finding it. I am very intrigued now.

Anonymous said...

DocH said...
Things wrong w/ TBI.
1) Will puts the post up way to early there are 40 posts before the show even airs out east.

Personally, I like the post to be up early - I get so excited and I guess I don't mind being excited with other excited people. That's just me.

2) Excessive use of QUOTE. Someone has one or two sentences to share and they load a full page of four interlaced quotes. You can't even tell what they are referring to.

This I quite agree with. Last season, we had this a bit more under control. Not sure if it is worth trying to do it again.

3) Responding to stupid or bully. Responding to funny is okay. Delib stoopid and delib bully need to be ignored completely - don't reply to anything they have said or offered - even when they MAY be right or certain things

This I also agree with. It has been my tact ever since getting my head CHEWED to a pulp a couple of times. I keep hoping they will eventually get bored and go away if they don't get the satisfaction they are looking for. Bobola said in Hammer's numbers thread that he loves to annoy geeks - if he doesn't get a rise out of ANY of us, he might lose interest and go muddy up somebody elses pond. I propose NEVER responding to a bully, and if someone else HAS, and you wish to respond to THEM, then cut out the bully's part of the quote so it doesn't get ANY more print time.

Then we can all come back here where it is a real pleasure to be! :)

Hammer said...

Rita said...
Here's my "burning" question: who writes designations on equipment as besixdoux or in English besixtwelve rather than B-612? If it was an attempt to reference the book without being overly obvious, it just strikes me as a bit odd!
LOVED THE EPISODE, and am still processing!

February 5, 2009 7:15 PM
For me, it was just an easter egg(once someone translated it for me) for all you smarty pants' that new about the book. After listening to the podcast, it seems they wanted to ref. the book for some time and it just fit to do it when they could use Danielle in the story again. Sooo, Locke IS the Little Prince.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PJSander said...

Okay, I love mythology and some of that stuff is very interesting. The first site particularly had some pertinent things. I am not ready to leap to alien thinking just yet, but it is food for thought.

There was discussion about several places where there were magnetic anomalies (Tunisia and Australia being two). Does anyone have any OtTotH recall about that?

: ) P

Anonymous said...

I am not ready to leap to alien

Not alien - but gods. They made humankind - to take over their tasks & chores.


lost4ever said...

DocH "Not alien - but gods. They made humankind - to take over their tasks & chores. .."

Kinda like Clark Kent DocH? I do like the meteor ( asteroid ) theory and I am not sure which way it is going. But I am very intrigued and NOW very grateful to have found you ALL last year.

When this ends in 16 months, I will be happy to know that I have met brilliant people, that I may never have met.

There might not be a reason for me to go back to the BI. My FRIENDS are here!

I am lost4ever and I WILL { no pun intended ) always be a LOSTaholic.

Now can someone explain to a dumb blonde guy how the italics works? Forgive me if it takes awhile to respond.

Anonymous said...

First, Circus Dork said this was the best Lost Epi ever.

I refered to comment made onthe little island as "things my friends said" several times in the last few days. Hi friends! Thanks PJ!!!

I have disowened Circus Dork because she told me that Rose and Bernard have died. I refuse to beleive it. Are you with me PJ?

PJSander said...


Italics: place the letter I inside of the triangle brackets. I will show you which brackets but in case they don't work (which they didn't in my lesson on TBI) it is the brackets over the comma and period keys.

< i > (without the spaces)

Then type whatever you want in italics (or cut and paste) and then END the italics with the same thing, except that you add the / (under the question mark) before the I.

< / i > (without the spaces)

Same works for BOLD only you use the letter B.

: ) P

PJSander said...

Circus Mom said: I have disowened Circus Dork because she told me that Rose and Bernard have died. I refuse to beleive it. Are you with me PJ?

You may continue to ignore and decline interaction with Circus Dork. D&C confirmed in a podcast that Rose and Bernard are alive and well. Well, alive. They didn't confirm the well.

Actually, they didn't want to confirm anything, but then said that if R&B were going to die in a shower of flaming arrows or any other time travel way, they certainly warranted screen time to show said deaths. THEN they confirmed that they have not perished.


I say that because the other thing they confirmed is that the ONLY character who will definitively survive the entire series is Vincent. LOL

: ) P

lost4ever said...

I refered to comment made onthe little island as "things my friends said" several times in the last few days. Hi friends! Thanks PJ!!!

I prayed like Locke that I did it right. Thank You, Petra J.

I do the same thing CM. The blog I refer to when talking t my friends is this one.;)

lost4ever said...

Punctuation and proper typing I am still trying to learn. :) ALL

Miss Kim said...

thanks for the italics question and lesson! Feelin' mighty cool right now! (hopefully I am doing it correctly or I'll be feeling mighty silly!)

Anonymous said...

Yes PJ, thanks for the italic and bold lessons! Pretty cool. (and who said LOST isn't educational?? :)

Miss Kim said...

L4E mad a Clark Kent reference to DocH's asteroid/meteor ideas....I confess I don't know anything about Superman except what little I may have gleaned while watching "The Justice League" or whatever it was called on Saturday morning cartoons as a child. (I'm afraid Aquaman was my favorite anyhow) Anyhoo--on the podcast for The LP, a question was posed from someone in Hackensack, NJ. While responding, it was mentioned that Damon's Mom was from Hackensack as well as someone from Superman. Superman's Dad maybe? Can't really remember that part. Thought I'd mention it as it may have been a coincidence--with nothing at all to be read into--or it may have been a clue of sorts which may help back up a theory. Just thought I'd mention it......

Hammer said...

PJSander said...
There was discussion about several places where there were magnetic anomalies (Tunisia and Australia being two). Does anyone have any OtTotH recall about that?

: ) P

February 6, 2009 12:31 AM

I remember, the 12 vile vortices.

Bermuda, Sundra Trench, Fiji, Madagascar, Sahara, Tunisa,.....

ESB said...

"Hammer said...

ESB, this is our 'fail safe', just come here and 'turn the key' and we end up naked in the jungle....I'm crackin' myself up."


as long as i'm running naked thru the jungle with Charlotte, or Kate or Juliette or...haha, nevermind...;)

hey, off the subject, but when i was re-watching some of The Little Prince last night, in the scene right before Kate leaves Aaron and Sun to go meet the lawyer, i thought i saw Kate give Aaron some kind of medication out of a prescription bottle...did anyone else see this and if so, does anyone else think it's important?

oh and speaking of meteors and comets, kind of, last season on TBI i said, in a mostly joking way, that i thought the island was actually a huge flying saucer with the best disguise ever...i'll die laughing if that is even close to the truth...i do like the meteor/comet theory tho...explains it beings so 'organic'...;)

Hammer said...

You might have the overall theory of what is going on, but we are stuck on TD because the focus on the show right now is time travel. How and why there is time travel may lie in what you bring up.

ESB said...

so about the medication...nevermind i'm an idiot and must have been tired last night...i think she opens a ketchup bottle for him...oops! ;)

ESB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hammer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ESB said...

so i'm thinking about some stuff and i wonder what you guys think...
when Locke tells Alpert that he's 'from the future' basically (he will visit him in two years, Jacob sent him, etc.) and Alpert seems to kind of think that Locke is crazy and he says sarcastically 'well, i wouldn't want to contradict myself" doesn't that kind of say that at that time (in '53 or '54) he hadn't time-traveled yet...i mean if he had time traveled, wouldn't he be a lot more likely to listen to and believe Locke, knowing that he could very well be from the future? i don't know if it's a big deal, but it would maybe put a starting point on when the time travel stuff began and maybe hint that 'Jughead' maybe had something to do with it...just a thought

and i skimmed thru the TBI today and didn't catch anything about this but my apologies if i'm repeating a theory already discussed there...

lost4ever said...

From the last thread. You are correct ESB, it was 1954 in that scene

PJSander said...

Not sure if you are asking how we know it is 1954, but if you are, then it is because Richard says it in S5E3:

LOCKE: All right. All right. What year is it right now?

RICHARD: It's 1954.

LOCKE: All right. May 30, 1956--2 years from now--that's the day I'm born--Tustin, California, and if you don't believe me, I suggest you come and visit me.

: ) P

PJSander said...

ESB said: Alpert seems to kind of think that Locke is crazy and he says sarcastically 'well, i wouldn't want to contradict myself" doesn't that kind of say that at that time (in '53 or '54) he hadn't time-traveled yet...i mean if he had time traveled, wouldn't he be a lot more likely to listen to and believe Locke, knowing that he could very well be from the future?

Hmmm. Yeah. I am going to have to rewatch that scene. Captain Eyeliner is kind of hard to read, but you may be on to something.

: ) P

lost4ever said...

I am pretty sure Alpert doesn't time travel. JMG.
People always assumed he did, but I don't buy it, especially after the new facts we have. (He may be "special", whatever that means, and maybe the "rules" do not apply to him either, whatever that means.?) I think he gets the facts when he needs them. COINCIDENCE.

lost4ever said...

I also awlays forget the :)

PJSander said...

Okay, I didn't remember anyone doing this before, so I did an anagram search for Richard Alpert.

Found these funny ones:

Hard Rectal Rip
Third Lap Racer
Rear Drip Latch
Rid Pearl Chart
Lap Rider Chart
Herd Crap Trail

And this one, which given what he said about how they choose their leaders, might be significant:

Rare Child Trap

: ) P

lost4ever said...

I did that last year on TBI, PJ. Never got much response from it though.

PJSander said...

Sorry, L4E, I didn't remember that. Maybe I missed it when you did it on TBI!

: ) P

Anonymous said...

I remember when you posted the Richard Alpert anagram before, Lost4ever, and I thought it was interesting. In light of Alpert's comment about how they chose leaders "at a very young age" though, I think it deserves a second hearing. Good job to both of you!

Hammer said...

Eagerly awaiting PJ's thinking on the vile vortices. :)

lost4ever said...

Ty Rita and now worries PJ. In light of new info as Rita said, it was a good find. How about Part Rare Child?

PJSander said...

Hey all,

I've been (and will be) OOP a lot this weekend. Hammer, I look forward to researching a little more about the vile vortices. I knew they were called SOMETHING like that, but couldn't remember the term. Thank you!

: ) P

PJSander said...

Well I have looked around the web and found mostly just different rehashes of the wiki page that explains the Vile Vortices in generally vague terms.

I suspect that *if* they play a part in the mythos of LOST, it will be in a way that D&C have created, more than in a way they are already thought to behave.

Changing the subject... any guesses as to how long it will be before Sawyer's group encounters Jin?

: ) P

Hammer said...

PJSander said...

Changing the subject... any guesses as to how long it will be before Sawyer's group encounters Jin?

: ) P

February 9, 2009 11:43 AM

I'd say quickly. For one, this pace is moving quickly this season. And second, Jin needs an explanation of what's happening to him, all the rest of the 'skippers' know, it's only fair. :)

ESB said...


i hadn't really considered the theory that Alpert doesn't time travel at all...interesting...;) so if that's the case, then we assume that he doesn't seem to age because of his constant involvement with the island? or is he 'special' in some other, as yet unknown, way? what do you think?

Hammer said...

Although I think it's a good point. The thing that jumps out at me is when Alpert ran into Locke after he skipped once, he 'knew' Locke was going to tell him he'd bee shot, and 'knew' that Locke was going to skipping again soon. If he's not a time traveler, how did know?

ESB said...

good point Hammer...

Hammer said...

Sort of....I guess. The thing that jumps out to me is again with that incident. If Locke skipped back to when Ethan shot him, how the heck did Alpert go with him to that period, but not the rest.

Or am I remembering something wrong? Did Locke skip back to current time after the Ethan shooting?

Hammer said...

Nevermind, I remember now. He skipped before Ethan fired the gun. I guess we are to assume that they skipped back to current time before skipping back and forth.

PJSander said...

Okay, I have now picked myself up off the floor (where I fell from why I ROFLOL'ed).

On TBI, duke and Bobola are having a blowout. It is quite funny. I will be interested to see if anyone else jumps into the fray.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Yes, quite enjoyable!!

ESB said...

i went and took a look and it seems that the 'hostiles' are a little restless eh? ;)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone should tell them to get a room?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hammer said...

That would be fun Doc...but Pee Wee Herman's secret names code would be more effective....

Hammer-O, PJ-O, etc.


ESB said... much as i like the idea of going by ESBola (pronounced ezz-bola, of course;) i think i'll just stay away from TBI's Monday and i don't have the energy...

i will admit tho, that if you're not actually involved, it's pretty entertaining to read other people's arguments...;)

PJSander said...

Okay, I actually have tears running down my cheeks from laughing at Docola, PJola, Hammerola, Momola, ESBola, Hammer-O, PJ-O, ezz-bola . I like that I can laugh at it all!

: ) P

ESB said...

haha, actually, for the record i would like for mine to be pronounced ezz-bee-ola...if that's okay with you guys...

umm, is it Wednesday yet? ;)

lost4ever said...

The thing that jumps out at me is when Alpert ran into Locke after he skipped once, he 'knew' Locke was going to tell him he'd bee shot, and 'knew' that Locke was going to skipping again soon. If he's not a time traveler, how did know?

Good point Hammer. I have no idea.

Maybe, in 1954, that was Richard's first introduction to the phenomena.
I am curious as to what the "other" people see when the FLASHES occur.
If John Locke, who claimed to be a time-traveler, disappeared in front of his eyes in 1954, he had 50 or so years to learn more about it. Maybe that's what he sent Ellie to do, research.

Ethan: "I just shot Mr. Clean climbing up to the plane that just crashed."

Richard: "Where is he?"

Ethan: "He vanished into thin air."

Richard: "I know who that is. That is John Locke, our wannabe leader."

Hammer said...

To continue L4E: (Like Beavis and Butt-head)

Alpert: Dude...let's mess with him, I'll see if he can get Ford to kill his dad for him.

Ethan: yeah...Huh-huh, that's cool...

Anonymous said...

You guys are so funny!

Anyway, on to business:

lost4ever said...
Maybe, in 1954, that was Richard's first introduction to the phenomena.
I am curious as to what the "other" people see when the FLASHES occur.
If John Locke, who claimed to be a time-traveler, disappeared in front of his eyes in 1954, he had 50 or so years to learn more about it.
Maybe that's what he sent Ellie to do, research.

I'm liking this idea L4E, makes sense. Ellie leaves the island to do research, has Daniel, and involves him in her research. This links her to Richard, and later to Ben. Meanwhile, Widmore has a falling out with Richard and gets Donkey Wheel duty. This separates him from the Others, and by extension, from Ellie and Daniel. Sounds plausible! Hope we find out Wednesday!

PJSander said...

Wow, you guys really know how to work together to make a theory plausible! I am impressed!

Let me add to this... Widmore funds Daniel's research (with or without Ellie and Richard's knowledge) perhaps hoping to get on the good side again... when that doesn't work, he starts covert operations against Ben.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Ben and Widmore may have started out in a "friendly" competition for the island and it went bad when Keamy killed Alex.

: ) P

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ESB said...


for some reason i have a really hard time buying that Ben and Widmore were having a 'friendly' competition for the thinking is that Ben, in some way, had something to do with Widmore getting 'kicked off' the island...which is why Widmore thinks Ben stole the island and why he thinks it's his...not sure about the breaking the rules when Alex was killed...but maybe they just had a gentlemen's agreement to leave family out of it or something like that...i think there may be too much emphasis put on the 'you broke the rules' comment...i can almost see them sipping scotch at some gentlemen's club deciding how the 'game is to be played'...

i dunno just an opinion/thought...;)


PJSander said...

You are right, ESB, and really that is what I meant when I said "friendly competition." The sipping scotch analogy is very similar to what I was thinking.

I pictured 20 year old Ben, (still with some serious daddy-issues) pre-purge, talking to 50 year old Widmore, in that sort of reserved, malicious, cool voice. In his head, Ben is thinking, "that overbearing bastard is going to PAY for treating me like this," but they talk about this gentlemen's agreement, winner takes all, kind of thing.

It will be interesting to see how that part of it plays out.

: ) P

ESB said...

LOVE that thinking PJ...if they shot it, that would be a VERY cool scene...;)

Anonymous said...

I posted this on TBI but want input here too. Just the begining of of theory but not sure where I'm going with it yet.

WHEN will it be (on the island) when our O6 return. They are/were part of the group who are time traveling. Will they jump to the same time when they enter the islands radius?

When the island is in pre 12-30-04 time is it in the spot where they left it? If they travel to that spot and wait will it apear underneath them like it did to Yemi's plane and apparently to the Black Rock.

Hammer said...

I think the island itself will be the same as the real world, lest we forget Richard and the rest of the Others, are on the ‘moved’ island and NOT skipping. It will be something close to off island time. The reason I say close is because the island time was already at one point about 30 minutes off the real world pace when Dan did his test.

Now that I think about it. Dan had mentioned that the ‘light’ seemed ‘different’ early on after he landed on the island. I wonder if some ’skipping’ had already began and is why the doctor washed up on shore before he died.

Anonymous said...

OK, there can be two Lockes and two Sawyers. Can the pre 05 island show up in its old spot and pick up the O6? Not sure if that is exactly what I mean.

If the island travels to 2003 and the O6 are in the radius of the 03 island will they then be their 07 selves on the 03 island and therefore travel with it from that point?

Hammer said...

Wow, you are getting deep. :)

IMO, the island won't reappear anywhere and end up with two of anybody. I think that Hawking found where the island is physically and they 'all' have to go to it. I think that the 'time' will sync up to the whole group getting back together and there will only be one of each on the island at any given island time from that point on. I think this because the characters seem to have been grouped by Losties with new Others and true Others.

ESB said...

LOVE reading it all but you guys are making my head hurt...;)

PJSander said...

If you think THIS is making your head hurt, stay away from TBI! The wild theories about time traveling and dead people and aging and not aging are amazing. What tickles me is that people end up contradicting themselves!

Hammer, yes, Daniel did say the light was different, "The light, is strange out here isn't it? It's kinda like, it doesn't scatter quite right."

I still maintain that the hatch implosion and purple sky event was some kind of time jump, even if it were only the 30 odd minutes that the rocket launch showed. Not sure how that fits with the doctor showing up on dead on the beach BEFORE his throat was slit on the freighter.

CM, you lost me! I want to understand, so please try again!?

: ) P

Anonymous said...

We know that Locke avoided the hatch so he wouldn't run into himself so when the losties time travel there can be two of them at once in the past. If they were in the Zodiac and traveled back just a few hours the Zodiak would go with them and they would find the Zodiac already there, because it was there before. If there can, temporarly, be two Lockes and two Zodiacs then can there be two islands.

On the first jump we saw Yemi's plane crash. I assume the island moved in time and space and appeared below Yemi's plane without warning, causing the crash. This could also expaein how the Black Rock ended up on the island. It appeared under the ship stranding it in the middle of the island. So......

Real island time is 12-30-04
O6 time is sometime in 07 (three years later)

If the O6 travel to where the island was in 2004(their time, 07) and sit in the ocean where the island was before it moved, then the island travels to 2003 it should re-apear in that spot. If the O6 are in the radius of the island will they (the O6 in 2007) jump to the time the island in in like the other losties, therefore reuniting them? All our losties would then be time traveling together but the O6 would be 3 years older than the island bound losties.

My guess is the island will be jumping to that spot in 70 hours.

Does that help PJ.

PJSander said...

Yes, CM, that helps! I understand. I am not sure I am ready to jump on your ship yet, but I know where it is sailing! LOL

I suspect that not wanting our LOSTies to encounter their own selves is another reason why D&C kept the characters separated into groups throughout the run. In fact, put on your thinking caps, everyone... have we EVER seen ALL of our LOSTies in one place at the same time? Even at Boone's funeral, Locke was missing.


: ) P
(who will repost this on the new thread, so don't answer here! LOL)