Friday, February 27, 2009

Ben F. Cavier

Lost is an American serial drama television series. It follows the lives of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island, after a commercial passenger jet flying between Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles, United States crashes somewhere in the South Pacific. For the first three seasons each episode typically featured a primary storyline on the island as well as a secondary storyline from a previous point in a character's life, though the introduction of shifts forward in time and other time-related plot devices somewhat changed this formula for the latter half of the series. The pilot episode was first broadcast on September 22, 2004 and since then four full seasons have aired, with the fifth currently in progress, and a sixth set to be the final in 2010. The show airs on the ABC Network in the United States, as well as on regional networks in many other countries.


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PJSander said...

Comment 236, posted 4 minutes ago

If you guys want the regulars back you have to start spewing theories that discredit their’s to the point where they can’t contain themselves. Like, it makes perfect sense that Ben can’t die because we see him in the future. This differs from us seeing Charlie in the future visiting Hurley…because Charlie is dead.

RGS used to come by here - not sure if s/he still visits TLI, but I say good job on this post! I sniffed the "charlie is dead" bait and swam away! LOL

: ) P

PJSander said...

Rita, I am answering your query to gmta leah here because it deserves answering, but I don't think it is fair to answer HONESTLY in a thread where everyone could read it.

gmtaL may read this, in fact anyone MAY read this, but in an effort to let gmtaL save face, I am burying the answer here.

At some point over the summer, gmtaL was on TLI, as she had been periodically since this blog was started. She started FLAMING another TLI user and was terribly unkind and downright offensive in her posts to/about this other user. gmtaL was given an opportunity to change the behavior and when she did not, she was asked to take an outrigger and find a new island.

She may still be resentful that we required her to follow the blog rules, which is why she "gave us up" and put our spoiler-free tranquility in jeopardy! LOL.

: ) P

Rita said...

Gottcha PJ. Thanks.

Hammer said...

gmta leah
Comment 232, posted 12 hours, 7 minutes ago - Quote and reply
……… Im not the sharpest tool in the box …eh ?

Looks like she is quoting someone and holding a grudge?

Rita said...

It seems so, and her "we shall see" feels like a threat of some kind. Hmmmmm

PJSander said...

Looks like she is quoting someone and holding a grudge?

Well yes. Except that whatever she was quoting wasn't on that thread. Color me confused.

: ) P

PJSander said...

Btw, not sure if anyone noticed, but I changed the format of the home page so that this thread is half way down the second page. Effectively burying it deeper.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Yep, went searching and couldn't find anything recent here or on TBI, other than someone here being frustrated with her posting before she saw the episodes.

PJSander said...

I am putting this here in stead of the HOY thread...

Hammer, when I first went to Jim's link (after you asked about it) to the short story, I thought that maybe this was a different AFP. You know, get the geeks to read a 34 page story for no reason. I checked, and this IS a published short story, but I sure hope you and Jim aren't trying to pull the wool over our eyes! LOL

: ) P

Hammer said...

LOL, Not at all PJ. I really think would be ironic if they creators of LOST didn't read this story.

PJSander said...

Leah, since I know you are reading this, I will address you directly here.

I am not sure why you are so adamant on trashing us on TBI. Is it so bad to want to play an April Fools Joke? It has been done on TBI every year - we just started by planning early. It is all HARMLESS fun - no one will get hurt, no one is being targeted directly.

If you'd said something, we would gladly have asked you to be in on it with us. You still can.

: ) P

PJSander said...

L4E, AFD is still a go. Please post on the Whisperers thread appropriately!

: ) P

Rita said...

Are you sure PJ? I am wondering if ANYTHING we do right now will be seen as funny to ANYONE. Maybe L4E is right - AFD gone bad?

PJSander said...

How about this? We all still keep posting little bits of information, as we have, on the Whisperer thread.

Then we will see how the "temperature" in the forum by Wednesday. If we're not sure about how it will go over, we leave it alone. Someone will find it someday and we'll tell them it was the FANTASTIC AFP that got messed up by a couple of grumpy posters.

If we decide to go through with it, we all just post "April Fools" at the end of the thread and then mention it on the main thread. The ONLY thing that anyone will have done is waste a few minutes reading stuff and getting excited about stuff.

This is, of course, only a suggestion. I am open to any and all other suggestions and willing to put it to a vote. But while we are deciding, I am going to add a bit to the thread.

: ) P

Rita said...

Wow Miss Kim, MORSE CODE!!! Too funny!! I'm still laughing over that one!

Miss Kim said...

Well Rita, if that made you laugh, check out TBI.....both the current thread and the whispers. DocH was right when he complimented my sneaky side once upon a time.

Rita said...

So you did that on purpose! You really ARE sneaky and I love it! :)

PJSander said...

Three words, Miss Kim.


: ) P

Lindsay said...

whew, just got back in town and caught up on this thread, i'll head to tbi next and make sure to catch up on the whispers thread too!

Lindsay said...

wow, just caught up on tbi and all i can say is, wow...

PJSander said...

From TBI:#
Comment 283, posted 31 minutes ago

It is quite suspect that the so-called “regulars” have stopped posting and there are a lot more “newbies”….I’m guessing it is NOT a coincidence….too bad you can be whoever you want to be when you blog!!!

And just for the record PJ, I could care less why you and company are maintaining “radio silence”….everyone needs to get over themselves.

I have decided to restrain myself from answering this post on TBI because doing so won't SOLVE anything. However, I felt like I HAD to address it here, if only to point out the hilarity of it!

Earlier in the week, it was noted that there were more newbies posting, probably because, in our absence, they felt less intimidated. I hope that isn't true, because I don't think our posts are any more intimidating than any one else's. However, I considered that MIGHT be true and addressed it in my one post on TBI.

Now, we're being accused of impersonating newbies, which I find equally funny, especially in light of this being the first and only post of "ridiculous."

Clearly, this is one of the "three" people who have already called me/us out. (Three is in quotation marks because I rather suspect that there are fewer than three, perhaps even ONE.) I find this particularly amusing since *in* the post, this person accuses US of creating new identities, which is clearly what s/he did FOR this post!

(I have already admitted to posting under "justme" but I did so to *defend* a newbie, who was being hassled! LOL.)

Finally, the whole "get over yourself" part SHOWS that we're getting under SOMEONE's skin with the hints that we are leaving.

Perhaps it is better just to leave it all alone and walk away from it rather than completing the April Fool's Prank? It would seem that at least ONE person will be hurt by it and I don't want that to be the case. This was supposed to be funny, not hurtful.

At this point, my vote is to put one last post in the Whisperers thread that says "April Fools Rabbit sees self and dies." Then we just explain what we were doing and how it was supposed to be funny but that clearly someone's feelings are already hurt, so we're not going to go through with it because that was not the intent.

How do you guys feel about that?

Regardless of the end result, I have had a BLAST planning it and making stuff up on the Whisperers thread with you guys. So thank you for that!

: ) P

Rita said...

Sounds good PJ. I vote for this plan. And for the record, it WAS fun making stuff up on the Whispers thread! However, it is amazing to me how much hostility and downright hatred for us that there is by some on TBI. Wow. I went back over some old threads and have NEVER seen any of us "shoot down" anyone's theories or abuse anyone. Disagree, yes, but so what? We disagree with each other just as much. In fact, I have seen us go out of our way to be helpful and kind and to defend others who are being attacked.
Just not feeling the love....

Hammer said...

My attitude us usually... screw 'em if they can't take a joke. But it seems there a folks that genuinely don't like us. Maybe it's best to bail, I think our 'defenders' will see what we were trying to do. Funny how the cold feet we had early on was not to offend anyone, and the prank gets blown up by folks that were hiding their feelings...oh well.

PJSander said...

FWIW, I don't think there are very many detractors out there. I think it is one or two VERY VOCAL people. Sadly, when one person is negative, that is what sticks with you even through the "good" posts.

I went through EVERY post (yes, I embrace my geekiness), and there were far more supporters than nay-sayers: Tasha, SES, ShelbyDee, wallyp, Amber, flgrl, katesFriend, LarLa, nfrk all said they missed us (in one way or another). Shellonius funk, Toeknee, Huh and RGS supported us, though didn't outwardly say that they missed us. To me, that is thirteen users, eleven of which we KNOW are separate people. (Huh and nfrk, I do not recognize.) Versus "three" detractors (plus ridiculous).

Since DocH has been quiet through the AFP, and three of us agree to shut down the AFP, I will go ahead and make my "the rabbit died" post on the Whisperers thread.

Thanks again for the fun - because it was fun even though we got some heat from a couple of people!

: ) P

Hammer said...

THANKS PJ!!!! Sorry it didn't work was fun planning and helped me out with my LOST fixes.

PJSander said...

Okay, so the post is up at the Whisperers thread.

Not sure what to do next. Should we just start posting on HOY on TBI and act like nothing happened? I don't want to draw attention to the AFP, just have that post there to explain it if someone happens across it.

What do you think?

: ) P

Lindsay said...

I would wait till the new thread goes up on Wednesday, it might avoid unnecessary conflict...

Hammer said...

I don't think I will wait until the next thread to join back on TBI. But I will tip toe.

PJSander said...

I agree, Hammer. I have addressed the detractors officially. Now I will just carefully post as usual. Those who have been outright nasty probably WON'T speak up. At least I hope not.

: ) P

Anonymous said...
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Circus Mom said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
PJSander said...

Um, guys?

In the last 4 1/2 hours, we've been responsible for 20 out of 24 posts. Maybe we ought to take it easy and not overwhelm the blog JUST yet? We don't want to actually do one of the things of which we've been accused: clogging the blog!

If you include our posts before the episode, and our other posts, we account for 36, including JiG, but not including our newer members, or Nathan or justme.

That is more than 10% of the total posts and we were silent for nearly five days! LOL.

: ) P

PJSander said...

Thanks, CM. I deleted it, and your post mentioning it. No need to perpetuate things, eh?

: ) P

Rita said...

Miss Kim wins the AFD Creativity Award - (Really?? Morse Code??!!) I'm still smiling over that.

Rita said...

Just read your "whisperers" post PJ. Excellent job. Thank you for doing that. If someone has a problem with THAT, then it is just THEIR problem.

And Hammer, thank you for loaning us your thread. FWIW I had fun making up stuff about the DWY!

Circus Mom said...

I don't think we need to hold off on posting. Many on TBI have been wanting us back. Even though we may have 10% of the total the total is way down this week. Last week we had 50% of 600. Not much change really. Perhaps mentioning that it is good to see a new face when someone new posts. I think some of us already do that.

PJSander said...

You're right, CM. I am just a bit jumpy - that's what happens when you're browbeaten repeatedly for no reason! LOL

: ) P

Hammer said...

Yeah, I'm not slowing down. I won't be chased away...LOL. If folks don't like us, they are welcome to ignore us.

Rita said...

We who have been here since the beginning will likely outlast anyone who has a problem with us! My question now is DO we address those like Duke who think we "ran and hid from those who offended us"? Weird because that is NOT what we were doing!!

Hammer said...

I'm struggling with that because PJ's post about why we left alluded to a 'reason' and now we are back without stating it why we left....

PJSander said...

I responded with a non-committal answer. Hopefully, that will suffice, but if anyone pursues the matter further, we can direct them to the Whisperers thread. Perhaps they will get a chuckle out of our *almost* AFP!

: ) P

Hammer said...

Well done once again PJ.

PJSander said...

Thanks, Hammer!

: ) P

lost4ever said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PJSander said...

It is probably too late to catch you, Miss Kim, but the AFP is dead. You will have figured that out before you post there if you read through the posts!

: ) P

PJSander said...

Oops, Miss Kim, I was responding to your post 200 when I wrote that above! Whoops.

In case you aren't caught up on the HOY thread on TBI, I 'fessed up about the AFP on the Whisperer Thread. It seemed like I needed to prove that we didn't leave in a snit or as a punishment.


: ) P

Rita said...

It seems that no matter what we say, don't say, we will always be scum to some. I would like to see all these "mean" posts we have made, where we deserve to be hated so much. Sigh....

PJSander said...

Hey all,

I meant what I said about not posting further on TBI about the nonsense. I don't want to perpetuate the drama.

It is worth noting, here among ourselves (and you, too, Leah, if you are still reading) that we've been accused of cruelty and picking on Leah here. I wish I had included in my post on TBI about how silly that is - in over 500 posts, here and in the HOY thread, we've mentioned her only a handful of times, MOST OF WHICH have been SINCE she and her cronies have called us out. I think that SHE thinks she is more threatening / valuable / hurtful / annoying to us than she really is.

If that sounds mean, it certainly is not MEANT to be - it is just honest. It is like the self-aggrandizing football player who enters a room to hear us talking about something "big" and automatically assumes we're discussing his muscles! LOL. If I were feeling a bit caustic, my response to him would be "don't flatter yourself!" (And I have been known to say that to a conceited athlete now and then! *bg*)

Anyway, if there is further discussion about Leah or any of the rest of the detractors, I plan to ignore it. Whether or not any of you want to say anything is up to you, but I definitely think that we should drop all mention of the drama on the WHH thread, both here and on TBI.


: ) P

Hammer said...

Agree PJ. I will however defend myself when I feel appropriate, but do my best to ignore.

Rita said...

I thought last night that the drama had moved on, but when I got up this morning to more lies and nonsense, I admit I went to work feeling really discouraged! I love the LOST blog! I love the little island!! I was very sad to think TBI might have to end for me. After work, with some time to think about it, I want to try to continue on TBI, but honestly, if the hate mongers don't ease up, it just might be too hard. That would be a big grief to me. I think I understand why some people choose to just post here, among friends, and avoid TBI altogether.
I have no intention of addressing the drama and nonsense on TBI again. If some people can't leave it alone, and must continue to spew hate, I may have to take a long vacation from TBI.

Circus Mom said...

If you build it they will come. Perhaps if you ignore it they will leave? One can only hope.

I will ignore most but defend if necessary. Seems like we already have many defenders outside our group over there anyway. Jamie, londonbly, Miss Lost, Tasha, even Duke seems glad to have us back. I will focus on them. Today has been reletively calm.

PJSander said...


I've enjoyed finally posting like normal.

Note to selves: no April Fools prank next year! LOL

: ) P

Miss Kim said...

Thanks for the heads up PJ. I have been in the looop for the most part even if I'm not posting too much.....except when I was being sneaky for the AFP. I really did enjoy reading and posting for that!

Hammer said...

I have really good friend I grew up with, he posts as 5 times a year. He called me today after catching up on TBI. His first comment was...this blog was the only blog he ever read where people where 'always' civil to each other. He laughed it off, but still.

PJSander said...

Invite Stymie to join us here at TLI, Hammer! Then he will see what civil REALLY is! LOL.

: ) P

Hammer said...

Good idea PJ. I did explain to him why we disappeared and he got a laugh out of it.

PJSander said...

I am surprised that no one has actually read the Whisperers thread (or at least read then commented). Of course, the only people who will feel COMPELLED to read there are our detractors and since what is there PROVES that we didn't leave to punish or in a snit, they will choose NOT to comment. LOL.

: ) P

Rita said...

I remember Stymie, Hammer. I hope he will join us here AND on TBI.

PJSander said...

Well we're forty minutes out from WHH on the east coast and no explosions on TBI over the AFP. Perhaps we're all putting it behind us at long last! *g*

We can still use this thread to check in every once in a while - same code word in the main thread. Otherwise, here is an email address you can use if you need to find me:

: ) P

Rita said...

Thanks PJ, I added your email to my address book. I'll take good care of it!
Thanks too for putting up this blog for all of us. It is a nice place to hand out with friends. :)

PJSander said...

Is it some kind of AFP on us? Since the show aired, it has ONLY been TLI'ers (including the new ones) and Larla (who was a supporter of ours) posting on TBI.

And where is DocH?

: ) P

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